Deities of Rhean


Alteum is a deity of peace, mercy, compassion, and healing. He is primarily a human deity and is believed to have been worshipped by the people who later became the Yarrins and Allitoians, prior to those peoples setting foot on Rhean. To these early humans, fleeing civilization and wars on Jardaa, a deity of peace who offered healing and protection was very important, and Alteum's priesthood grew very strong. In the modern era, Alteum worship is widespread throughout central Rhean, with major temples in Haven, Damacar, Talin City, FreeIsle, Mulmarn, Colne, Sailsion, and Capepoint, as well as a host of smaller temples and shrines in many other cities and towns. Many of Alteum's worshippers are the common tradesmen and laborers, the "salt of the earth", who require simple guidance, healing, and warding from disease. Priests of Alteum also commonly march with armies; as they are known for their policies of healing soldiers from both sides and not participating in combat, they are generally not considered valid targets. Most priests of Alteum scorn violence; the more militaristic arm, the "Hand of Alteum", which allows violence against evil, carries only blunt weapons, although these priests may travel with a heavily-armed "defender of the faith".

Deity Alteum
Alignment NG(L)
Influence Healing, Peace, Protection, Mercy, Compassion
Origin pre-Allitoian, pre-Yar
Worshippers Allitoian, Yarrin, widespread
Symbol Hand and Dove
Color Blue, Gold, White

Priests of Alteum tend to be kindly and compassionate. They often act as diplomats and mediators, although they are not generally called upon to arrange deals or treaties, or to act as judges, as they are more concerned with making peace than in pursuing justice or profit. Priests of Alteum generally attempt to limit their consumption of meat as much as possible, and many actually are vegetarians.

Besides the Hand of Alteum, there is another sect of note: the Syrans, founded by a priest named Torem eSyra. The Syrans hold that physical suffering is less of a concern than spiritual suffering, and that physical injury and pain may even be necessary to have a healthy soul. This sect is considered heretical by the Church of Alteum.

Revised Information for Priests
At Stage 2 of their Path, priests of Alteum may select from: Chirurgy, Diplomacy, Plant Lore, Heraldry, and any language. Members of the Hand of Alteum select from: Chirurgy, Diplomacy, Evade, Clubs, Shield, Heraldry. At Stage 3, regular priests may also choose among: Herbalism, History, Evade, Local Knowledge, Oratory, any Craft or Labor. Members of the Hand select from: Staff, Medium Armor, Parry for a weapon they know, Combat Reflexes.

Religion Skill Abilities

Prayer Skill Abilities

Invocation Skill Abilities

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