Alchemy and Herbalism

Herbal Compounds
Each of these compounds has both a rank requirement and a difficulty. This is the requirement for creating the compound. As is normal for skills, a character may attempt to create a mixture which is one rank higher than he has achieved, but his level is halved and the TN (difficulty) may be increased. Characters may learn any recipes they have access to as part of their skill, or may follow a recipe from a book or other source, provided they can make the necessary Comprehension rolls. Many of these compounds also have other requirements, such as a heat source, or some rare ingredients. The Type column in the table refers to the nature of the finished product: is it an Infusion, which is steeped in water; a Tea, which requires hot water; a Powder, which can be mixed into food or drink; a Salve, which is smeared onto the skin; or a Poultice, which is held against the skin by some means. Each of these has a TN for a Use Medicine roll. This is an ability gained from both Chirurgy and Herbalism skills. If this roll is failed, the patient has received too much, too little, or no medication from that use. In many cases, dried or preserved medications have higher TN's. TN's follow:

Herbal Compounds
Name Prep Time Rank Difficulty Requirements Notes Type Effect
Moon Tea 10 min Apprentice 14 Moonflowers Notes Tea keen vision for 1 hour after drinking, no more than 1/ night.
Alteum's Palm (poultice) 15 min Journeyman 16 Alteum's Palm (flower) Notes Poultice promotes healing; if placed on a wound within a day it will not become infected, and any wound so treated will recover +1 Hit that day.
Alteum's Palm (powder) 15 min Master 16 Alteum's Palm (flower) must be mixed into Holy Water (Alteum) Powder heals 1d6 hits (no more than once per day).

Armor Type Stamina Strength Penalty Durability Defense Dam.Red. Notes

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