I. Of the Origin of Elves and Their GodsI. Of the Origin of the Elves and Their Gods
In the distant past, elves awoke in Rhean and knew themselves. It is said that the gods were only now gaining awareness and power, and that most were attempting to build homes in the planes, and that some were warring amongst themselves. But those gods who would later become the Seldarine, being of similar thought and emotion, began to wander together in might, searching for purpose. They came to Rhean, where they found the elves. Entranced by these creatures, who were not only spiritual, as the gods are, but also physical, the gods took on forms reminiscent of elves and were given names. Here they dwelt for long years, loving these people and the world, especially the forests wherein dwelt the elves. Now it came to pass that other gods saw the Seldarine and grew jealous, and so the Seldarine was forced to forsake Rhean and dwell in the outer plane of Arvandor, where they could wield their full might without concern for the people they loved so. But they revealed themselves to the elves when they departed, saying "As we love you dearly, we will watch over you, and welcome you to our home when your spirit departs yours." And thus the elves have ever after revered and loved their gods, not feeling bound to them, or fearful of them, or indebted to them as other races often feel of their gods.As elves arose very early in time, the world was still awash in energy, and so the elves were formed with a deep connection to the power of the world. This power, which men call magic, can know be unlocked through words, rituals and formulae; but it requires that patterns be placed in the mind to function, unless this pattern is recorded using rare ingredients. In either case, the pattern is removed once used, and must be made anew--for men. For elves, the pattern remains deep within them, so that once learned, it is never forgotten. Thus elves and a few other elder races such as dragons have no need to memorize their spells each time they cast them, whereas humans and other young races must.
As has been said, elves have a great power within them. One of the manifestations of this is their lack of a need for sleep, or, at least, for long sleep. No more than a few hours of rest are necessary for elves to feel completely refreshed--although they must pass some time in contemplation if they wish to regain their magic. Not only is their need for sleep different than that of other races, but also their dreams are unique. Elves dream of their race--its history, its triumphs and despairs, where its members are, and, possibly, the future of elves. Elvish mages have learned to send messages this way, as well. The dreams that come are often not specific; they recount grand events and patterns more than detail. What dreams an individual have depend on him, his sub-race, his profession, the events around him, where he is, and where he is from. Elvish mages have sealed off dreams of the Talaria and Avalrië. It is said that the worst punishment the elves have for one of their own is to permanently seal him from these dreams and to send him into exile.IV. Of the Sub-Races and Their Languages
When the Seldarine dwelt on Rhean they each found those elves who best agreed with their temperment and thought, and they made homes with these. After a time, they became leaders in their communities, and thus these communities came more and more to drift from the original elven seed. As elves became more numerous, they moved out across the world and made homes as suited their personalities. Thus, in time, many distinct sub-races were born. Of these, five are best known, as they formed the Great Pact, and founded the ElvenHome of Avalrië around Lake Ithilin, the Mirror of the Moon. On the island of Eressea in the center of Ithilin they founded their capital of Eothea'aman, and each sub-race made its city on one of the five rivers that flow into Ithilin. These five were: the High Elves, or Moon-Elves; the Grey Elves, or Twilight-Elves, called by some Elves of the Stars; the Wood or Sylvan Elves, also called Elves of the Dawn; the Wild Elves, called by some Night Elves; and the Valley Elves, who are also called Sun Elves. All of these elf kindreds are called the Aqualondë, the People of the Water, for they dwelt on Ithilin.
The years of separation caused the elvish language to diverge, so that each sub-race developed its own variant. Still, the Aqualondë dwelt in such proximity that each language influenced the others; and so many similarities and cross-overs came about. The language of the Ithilvalë is held to be the common tongue of Elvendom, but knowing one, you may understand at least some of any. Certain rules are common to all Elvish, as follows:
V. Of the High Elves, the Ithilvalë
Corellon Larethian, the most powerful of the Seldarine, found those elves who loved to create beauty and to make cities and societies to be most akin to him. To these elves, who afterwards were called High, for they dwelt with the highest of the Seldarine, he taught and learned the sword and bow, the arts of music and dance, and an appreciation for companionship, poetry, light, wine, and nature--in short, all those things that seem most elven to other races. These elves learned well all of these things, but because of this they do not learn magic as well as some of their kin. The high elven language is today the common language of elvenkind in Rhean. High elves are slim and pale, and average five and a half feet tall. Their hair is often dark, although sometimes it may be fair. Eye color is commonly green, although grey is found occasionally and blue rarely. High elves can live for 1600 years.
In game terms, all high elves receive a +1 to dexterity, and a -1 from constitution. They have a 90% resistance to sleep and charm spells, and have detailed vision, allowing detection of concealed doors at a 1 in 6 chance if merely passing, and at a 3 in 6 chance if searching. Secret doors are found 2 in 6 times. High elves have standard infravision. High elves can become fighters, priests, thieves, or wizards without limit. As wizards, they can learn as many spells as their intelligence indicates. They can cast a number of cantrips each day equal to their level plus one-half their intelligence (round down). At seventh level, they begin to learn how to draw upon the primitive magic of the blue flame. High elves of other classes can begin to learn cantrips at fifth level, and can then cast one per day per level.
The enviroment of high elven communities is such that all raised there learn the bow and sword, so that they receive a +1 to hit with either of these, and that all learn some skill of beauty. This equates to a free proficiency in any one of: singing, musical instrument, artistic ability, dancing, or poetry. High elves are commonly neutral good, lawful good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, or true neutral. High elves receive a +10% to encounters with creatures who are neutral or better in original response to them. As a note, elves are resistant to most diseases, and receive a +2 on saves versus magical illnesses.
VI. Of the Grey Elves, the Sindavalë
The deity Labelas Enoreth chose to dwell amongst those elves who were deeply steeped in magic, and thus had power, mystery, and longevity (even compared to other elves). With him, these mysterious, or grey, elves learned mighty and subtle magics, and also studied history, language, and the nature of the multiverse. They have since been lovers of time and mystery, seeking greater magics not for the power but for the knowledge. They are also farsighted, ever planning for times to come. Grey elves are of similar height to high elves, but are thinner. They have hair of silver or gold, and eyes of amber or violet. They are the longest lived of the elves, having lifespans of up to two thousand years.
In game terms, grey elves make the mightiest of wizards, although they can also be priests, fighters, and thieves. They receive a +1 to intelligence and dexterity, but must subtract 1 from both strength and constitution. Their abilities with vision and their resistances are as high elves. All grey elves can use cantrips at a rate of one-half their intelligence plus their level per day. At ninth level they begin to learn of the blue flame. Grey elven wizards can use their intelligence plus their level of cantrips per day, and discover the blue flame at fifth level. In other respects they are similar to high elves. However, they do not receive bonuses with bow and sword, nor the high elven proficiencies.
Instead, as lovers of knowledge, grey elves receive one of the following proficiencies: any language, any history, spellcraft, herbalism, or, alternatively, they may enjoy one of the bow or sword advantages that high elves have. This decision must be made with the creation of the character; this adjustment cannot be taken later. Grey elves are most often neutral good, chaotic good, or true neutral.
VII. Of the Sylvan Elves, the Silvavalë
All the Seldarine loved the forests of the world, but Rillifane Rallathil's love for them surpassed all his kin, and so he dwelt amongst elves who lived deep in the forest, and who needed nothing created, nor any magic, but only the deep woods and the towering trees to find peace. These elves learned the lore of plants and animals well, and were henceforth called sylvan or wood elves. The wood elves eventually learned to make cities, although it is most often impossible to determine where the city ends and the forest begins. Also, in their need against the creatures of the world who would destroy the sylvan peace of the woods, these elves have become doughty warriors. They are fair complexioned, with hair of copper or blonde and eyes of light brown, green, or hazel. They live for up to 1350 years.
Sylvan elves receive a +1 or 10% bonus to strength and a +1 to dexterity, but must subtract 1 from intelligence and charisma. They have standard infravision, but no special talent for detecting hidden doors. They have a +1 to hit with bows, but possess no special ability with swords. They can befriend woodland creatures with a good reaction check (they receive a +15% on these). Wood elves can hide in shadows and move silently in woodlands at a base of 40% in each, +5% in each per level. Wood elves make good fighters and thieves, and can also be priests, scouts, and rangers. All wood elves begin to use cantrips at fifth level, and can then use one per day per level above fourth. Sylvan elf mages can use a number of cantrips per day equal to level plus one-half intelligence. Mages begin to learn the blue flame at seventh level; all other sylvan elves learn this at eleventh level. Sylvan elf mages must subtract 5% from their magic item and spell creation chances. They have resistances as high elves.
Sylvan elves are not interested in knowledge for its own sake, or in creation, but they do know an astounding amount about the woodlands. Thus, they may choose to receive any one of the following free proficiencies: herbalism, animal lore, tracking, survival (woodlands), or the language of some woodland creature. Sylvan elves tend to be chaotic good, chaotic neutral, true neutral, or neutral good.
VIII.Of the Wild Elves, the Morivalë
The Wild Elves are thought to be offshoots of sylvan elves that were even more wild than their kin, and who have remained wild and primitive down through the ages. Although they dwell together in communities, they have not made cities, save for their city at Avalrië. It is said that Rillifane dwelt amongst some of them when they were still mingled with the wood elves, and that others were visited by Erevan Ilesere, the wandering god. But there is no record of those elves who are the ancestors of the wild elves having a single god who was their patron. They are very skilled at stealth and trapping, and do not welcome outsiders, even other elves. Their magic is different from that of other elves, although they use it in the same way. It is primitive and nature-oriented, akin to the magic of human druids. Wild elves are shorter than other elves, about four and a half to five feet, but are stouter and broader of shoulder. They have a slightly dusky complexion, red or brown hair, and green or brown eyes. They live to be about 1000 years old.
Wild elves have the same resistances as high elves, possess infravision, but receive no door detection bonus. They add 2 or 20% to strength and 1 to dexterity, but subtract 2 from charisma and 1 from intelligence. They receive no bonuses with weapons, but can set natural traps and snares that are difficult to detect and can trap or damage. They can be druids (although they do not follow a hierarchy), fighters, scouts, and occasionally priests. They can also function as thieves, although their abilities will most likely be slanted toward the outdoors. They move silently and hide in shadows as sylvan elves, always pass without trace, and befriend animals as wood elves as well. Due to their primitive nature, wild elves begin to learn the blue flame at fifth level if a spell caster, and seventh level otherwise. However, they do not learn cantrips.
The wild elves have few formal knowledges. They can choose from herbalism, survival, and hunting proficiencies. They tend to be neutral or chaotic neutral in alignment.
IX. Of the Valley Elves, the Anoravalë
The last of the Aqualondian elves, Valley Elves were the people of Solonor Thelandira. They are reclusive, prefering isolated valleys (hence their name), and are defenders of elvish sites, including Dualrië, the Shadowed Land, as Avalrië is now called. From Solonor they gained many arts of hunting and fighting, and are a powerful people, although they are not numerous. They build in stone, and work metal as well, and have made many magical weapons. They are the most aggressive of the elves, although they are just with those trepassers they catch. Although they dwell in stone, and even in caves, they love the sun; their homes are defensive, although they make them as beautiful as they can. They are taller than other elves, being five and one half to six feet tall on average; however they are still thin, with narrow features. They are pale, with black, or occasionally dark golden hair, and black, deep blue, or deep green eyes. They live to be 1500 years old.
Valley elves add 1 to their strength and intelligence scores, but subtract 1 from constitution and charisma. They have the same resistances and visual abilities as high elves. They receive a +1 to hit with bows and swords. They tend to be fighters, rangers, or wizards. Although they have priests, these are few, being merely enough to tend to the spiritual needs of their communities. Their magical skills are the same as high elves, save that their wizards begin to use the blue flame at fifth level, and non wizards find this at ninth level. All valley elves can use either a bow or a sword (free proficiency). Their horses are renowned.
Valley elves are trained to be protectors and warriors. Thus, they receive a free proficiency from the following list: tracking, hunting, riding, running, animal handling (horses), bowyer/ fletcher. They tend to be neutral, lawful neutral, chaotic neutral, or neutral good.
Although they are not found in Rhean, other sorts of elves are known to exist. It is said that there are elves of snow and ice who dwell far to the north; cousins of the wild elves, these people avoid strangers. There are said to be two types of elves who are found in Jardaa: winged elves and a strange, pale race of warrior-mages who make slaves of other races and rule in the utter west. Finally, there are sea-elves, who live beneath the ocean waves. They are seldom seen as well, but there seem to be some in the Dragon Sea, at least.
After the Seldarine departed this world, those elves who dwelt in Rhean felt alone and frightened. There were many dangers in the world: goblins, wild beasts, and dragons. Guided by their dreams, those elves who could traveled overland to a vast peaceful forest, a place free (at that time) of danger. Here they founded the ElvenHome of Avalrië around Lake Ithilin. On the island of Eressea in the center of the lake they built their capital, Eothea'Aman. Ithilin is fed by five rivers; each of the peoples who came to Avalrië built a city on one of the rivers. These were: Ceren Ninniach (High), Aelin Ial (Grey), Rillyyn Alathil (Sylvan), Tar Eglath (Wild), and Tir Anor (Valley).
The High King of the Elves of Avalrië was the King of the High Elves; he was said to be the successor to Corellon Larethon. All the Aqualondian elves swore fealty to him, although each race had its own rulers as well. The elves lived in this fashion for many ages.
XII. Of the Flight of the Elves
It came to pass that after thousands of years of high civilization in Avalrië, grief came to visit the elves. It is said that strife came with the Rheen people when they first traveled across the continent in search of a new homeland. Others say say that various evil powers came to dwell on Ithilin, brought by the sorceries of the grey elves. However, most believe that the kin are simply too different to really live together, and only elven patience and High Elven peace kept Avalrië intact for so long. Still, outside factors certainly hastened the demise of this most powerful civilization. One of these factors was the gnolls. The gnolls came from Jardaa originally. It is not known if their origin lies with the centaurs and other man beasts, or if they, like the goblins, are an independent race. In any case, they made war upon the elves. At this time, the armies were primarily the Sun Elves, also known as valley elves. They fought the gnolls in bitter battles that always resulted in the mass defeat of the gnolls. Still, the gnolls continued to assault the peace of the woods, and every time they came a bit closer to the lake, for gnolls breed much faster than elves.
As these attacks continued, a few of consequence every century, a new strife, internal this time, appeared. The Elves of the Night, the wild elves, reached a point they had been approaching for years: they decided that they needed to tear down their city and return to a more primitive existence. However, the other races, particularly the high and grey elves, would not have this. As this was coming to a head, the valley elf army attacked what they believed to be a small outpost of gnolls, only to discover that it was a major encampment. They were in desparate straits, and sent back to Avalrië for reinforcement. But the reinforcements were instead used to keep the wild elves in line--at which point the sylvan elves wihdrew their support of the High King. Many valley elves died as a direct result of this.
After this,further cracks appeared in Avalrian society. The wild elves fled the forest, the sylvan elves refused to swear allegiance to the High King, and the valley elves closed their city, Tir Anor, to all high and grey elves. The high elves, enraged by this, attempted to hold Avalrië together by military force, and elf killed elf in large number for the first time. At this point, the grey elves intervened, but it was too late. Avalrië was cursed, so that it became Dualrië, the shadowed land. The high elves renounced their lordship, and the grey elves foretold that elves should not dwell in Avalrië until the high king returned. Then the grey elves built ships, which carried nearly all inhabitants of Avalrië away over the seas. The high elves largely departed north; with them went a few grey elves. The bulk of the grey elves, along with a few high and sylvan elves, went east. The valley elves, with a few grey elves, went south to seek the sun. Most of the sylvan elves traveled overland; those who went west largely ended up in the Aloen, although some stopped in the Moon Woods, and in what is today the Shadow Woods. Those who went east kept traveling until they reached the Alaron. A few came to dwell in Daresh or Lindon.
The majority of the high elves fled north, across the Enclosed Sea. Here they founded the kingdom of Daresh. Although the king of Daresh is nominally the High King of the elves of Rhean, none have claimed this title since the flight from Avalrië. The dreams of the high elves suggest that the title will not be claimed until the elves unite again, for their survival.
The capital of Daresh was founded at Ka'Traen. The grey elves who traveled here came to dwell in Daon. Those few sylvan elves who came here dwell in Yysa. Although the elves of Daresh avoid other races, some gnomes dwell in Coronath and the Fairwind Hills, and the elves have built Laren to trade with Simeans in the north. As the high elves destroyed the ships that brought them here, they do little sailing, but maintain Elvsule as a port, and they allow ships whose colors they know to stop here.
The elves of Daresh are not unfriendly, merely cautious. They have found a great many enemies in the world, from trolls in the Dead Hills and Dry Ridge, to lizard men in the Binhae, to kobolds to the west. In addition, the petty lords across the Enclosed Sea are little more than bandits, and there is a Power in Zentir that was active 1500 years ago. Although it has slept since, it has recently awakened again. And the elves have seen men change from barbarians to civilized people who push back the wilderness more each year. The elves increasingly feel that they are an island in a sea of danger, and they do not know where other islands may be found.
Following the flight of the elves, a group of Aqualondë landed at the mouth of the Rymdaryn River. They were the Ship-Elves, who sailed in ships of grey elven magic. Although mostly grey elves, some of the other kindreds were ship-elves as well. Here, they established havens for their ships should they need to flee this new land. These havens they called Nenyarië, Shiphome. Here they met dwarves who dwelt in the hills, and made peace with them, for at this time there were many goblins in the wider land that the Elves called Avea'lindor, and the dwarves were sorely pressed. But the elves had powerful magics not before seen in Avea'lindor, and the goblins could not withstand them. In recognition of the friendship between the two peoples, great towers were constructed at the mouth of Rymdaryn. Nearby, the elves constructed the Talaria, a great flat square of some grey, seamless, virtually impregnable rock. At the corners stand four towers, each of the same substance. These towers were used for many years.
Some five hundred years after the elves landed, humans moved into Avea'lindor from the south, fleeing a great war. These people were virtuous, strong, and just, but weary of fighting and running. They asked leave to settle, and made pacts with the elves and dwarves. Soon, another tower was built to commemorate this peace, and humans began to settle in great numbers on the banks of the Rymdaryn. At this same time, the Talaria were sealed and have not been opened since.
With the arrival of humans, the land was settled and the goblins, barbarians, and fell beasts pushed back. Soon, the humans declared a nation, Lindon, and asked that it be goverened by the leaders of each race who populated it, being now elves, dwarves, humans, halflings, and gnomes. The human capital, and the political center of the nation, was founded at the mouth of Rymdaryn around the Talaria and was named Haven.
Today, the grey elves continue to maintain the Nenyarië and the the ships that brought them to this land. They are guarded by the ship-wardens, who are all fighter-mages, with many magical weapons and defenses. Sylvan elves dwell in the Friendly Forest, and grey and high elves alike dwell in the city of Iam-Airy, to the south. Haven itself has a significant grey elven population. The remainder of the elves who originally landed went east to the Alaron. The common language of elves in Lindon is Grey Elven (Sindaran).
As has been told, the wild and sylvan elves largely scorned the ships of their kindred, preferring to travel overland in search of new homes. Although some elves (mostly Silvavalë and Morivalë) had remained in the wilds of Rhean, none knew where to find these communities; Avalrië had lasted so long that the land itself had changed. Many of the wild elves traveled east to the Alaron, and some kept going to the Duylin and Norwold. They largely ignored the humans of the area, but fought many battles with the native goblins.
The sylvan elves traveled both east and west. Although they are reclusive, they have been friendly with some native humans and other races, particularly gnomes. The sylvan elves made a prosperous community in the Wealwood, Alduyden, which had a colony at Ulsya, which is now called the Shadow Woods. In the 103rd year after leaving Avalrië, two brothers contested over a woman they both loved; one had human men kidnap her, so he might save her, but they betrayed him; his brother killed him when he discovered the truth. A darkness of the soul fell over Ulsya, and the elves largely abandoned the south. For the most part, they traveled north, across the Enclosed Sea. Some tarried here in the Moon Woods, but the majority went into the Aloen, which was held in great fear by humans. Here they founded Salloyyn, which is today a great tree-city. Some were displeased at dwelling so close to the dwarves of Thradzul, and continued to Daresh.
The sylvan elves who went west largely continued until they reached the Alaron. A few chose to dwell with their cousins who traveled by ship to Silavi, but most went into the depths of the forest. In time, some of these followed the wild elves; from them spring the half-elves of the Bardlands, Relnin, Aenia, and Acquise, for in these places they found men of similar thought, who allied with them against the goblins. The elves of these areas are very reduced and reclusive today, however, and thus are seldom seen.
The valley elves left to the south as a nation, but many valley elves also left in small groups. It is thought that these elves went to ancient enclaves of their folk. Some Anoravalë remained in the Elf-Woods to guard it against looters; it is thought that these elves still remain. Other valley elves are believed to guard other ancient sites, such as the Vales of the Night and Gods, the Unicorn Heights, the Valley of the Rhyme, Ulmsted, Lore Lake, the Loomwood, Moon Cape, and the Haunted Hills. Little is known in fact of the Anoravalë.
Those valley elves and grey elves who went south from Rhean came to the great archipelagos that lie near the equator. Here they built a strong nation, but little is now known of them on the mainland. They are isolationist and committed to the secrecy of their island homes. It is said that they found surprising allies here.