Character Improvement

Gaining Experience

Raising Attributes
The cost for raising Primary Attributes is: (value you are going to) x (number of times you have raised this Attribute, inclusive). So, raising Strength from your starting value of 5 costs: 6 (new value) x 1 (this is the first time you've raised it)= 6. The second raise would cost 7 x 2= 14, the third time 24, the fourth 36, and so on.

Raising Traits
Raising Traits is simple: the first time you raise the Trait, it costs 3 points. Each successive raise increases the cost by 3, so that the second time costs 6, the third 9, etc. You must follow the Trait rules for your race when raising Traits. If an external force has caused you to depart from this rule, you must restore the proper balance as soon as possible.

Purchasing New Skills
All non-restricted skills are usable by a character without training; the character rolls as if they had Novice(0). However, the character cannot at this point raise the skill. They must first purchase novice rank by having some form of training or practice, and then spend 5 experience. Normally, however, the additional requirements listed for gaining rank do not apply (GM's discretion).

Raising Skill Levels
Raising your skill level is normally a simple matter of spending experience. The GM can require a certain use of the skill, particularly for higher levels; this can also be a requirement of challenge in the skill's use. Players are generally encouraged to raise their skills one point at a time. There are also rank-based limitations on raising skills; you must raise rank to raise skill levels (at least at some point). However, assuming all of these conditions are met, raising the skill requires experience points equal to the level you are going to, times the cost listed in the table below.

Raising Skill Ranks
There are certain requirements for raising rank that are common to all skills. First, you must use the skill: the GM can deny raising rank if you have not used the skill recently. Second, you must have training. This can come from any number of sources: a teacher of higher rank, ancient tomes, elves or other long-lived races, etc. Training to be a grandmaster should be an event in and of itself! Finally, you must spend experience equal to five times the rank (Novice=1, Grandmaster=5), times the cost of the skill (so that a cost 1 skill will be five times, while a cost 2 skill will be ten times).

Many skills have individual requirements for advancing in rank, which are found in each skill's description. Raising rank is intended to be a significant event for a character. However, some skills have little gained with new ranks; feel free to make these easier to attain. Also, early ranks are less significant; it does not always have to be a major chore to become an apprentice.

Specialty Skills
During character creation each PC may select several specialty skills. These skills come easily, naturally, to the character due to long familiarity and practice, as well as perhaps a native bent. Therefore, the character receives certain benefits in purchasing and improving these skills:

Characters Table of Contents Skills