The Nature of Faith
While many people in Rhean believe in the gods, it is not at all common to find someone who truly has faith in a deity. Belief is easy; after all, signs of the gods are everywhere. Priests perfom magical and miraculous acts through their faith, and even lay members of a faith occasionally receive divine protection or guidance. The difficulty is that the gods are not able to act in the world on their own. They require a door, which is opened through the faith and will of a native of this world. In addition to this problem, the gods are not able or willing to provide everything their worshippers may ask of them. Some of this is due to their limits: even a god cannot be aware of everything at once, and in fact deities are generally not very aware of what happens in the world, unless they are invoked. But even if a god is aware, he may not lend his assistance if doing so does not fit into his plans.
True Faith
Some characters may possess Faith Points. These are a representation of that character's connection to his deity, and are generally reflective of the sincerity of his belief. Characters with the Divine Connection advantage will have a certain number of permanent Faith Points; these can be spent, but can also be recovered, and are only truly lost if the character offends his deity or loses his faith. The number of these Faith Points can also increase if the character strengthens the connection to his deity. It is also possible for characters to gain temporary Faith Points which work in exactly the same ways, but which cannot be recovered once spent. Gaining temporary Faith Points does not give the character the Divine Connection advantage.
Recovery of Faith Points
The following are ways to recover spent Faith Points, assuming they were not temporary. The number listed in parentheses is the amount recovered. Generally, each situation can only restore FP's once in a day.
Uses of Faith Points
Faith Points are a representation of a character's belief in and connection to a particular deity. This faith gives characters certain abilities, at least potentially. True Faith is a requirement for priestly powers, although priests also learn religious lore and minor prayers through their Religion skill; many priests do not have True Faith. In addition, Miracles are much more likely to be granted to those with True Faith. Faith Points may also be used by anyone in certain limited ways. While some of these vary between religions, the more common ones are listed here.
Roughly speaking, a miracle is the effect of a deity interfering in the world. This may be subtle or gross, i.e. a friend arriving in a time of need, or a holy sword falling from the sky. Miracles generally only happen if someone is asking for them (see above). Although anyone can pray for a miracle, it is rather unlikely that a non-worshipper will receive one, and having Faith points greatly increases the chances of a prayer being answered in this fashion. Note, however, that even if a miracle is not granted by the deity being prayed to, it is possible for something else to hear the request and offer aid. Generally this comes in the form of a bargain; many witches got their start this way.
Praying for a miracle generally requires several rounds. The request should be voiced as loudly as possible in the language that is most commonly used in worshipping the deity. The request does not need to be precise; even if it is, deities commonly answer these calls in their own fashion.
Although each Miracle is unique, there are certain common effects which have been observed.
Prayers and Invocations
Although miracles are granted only infrequently, priests can learn to call upon their deity's power more reliably through both routinely answered prayers and the memory the world has of the god. Doing these things requires the Divine Connection advantage, although it is not always necessary to expend Faith Points. The Prayer skill is used to bring out the memory of the deity from the Mind of the world, while the Invocation skill allows the character to attempt to channel power directly from the deity. It is possible for a character to possess the Prayers skill for a particular deity, even if they do not have any Faith Points or Divine Connection. Certain abilities may still be possible, and the character may use it as a knowledge skill if nothing else. In addition, a character who gains temporary Faith Points may use those to power abilities until they are gone.
One specific type of prayer is a Chant. Simply put, a Chant is a prayer which is continued; its effect, therefore, continues as long as it can be maintained. Chants can be passed off between characters. Both characters must have the ability to use the particular chant, and the two characters should be chanting at the same time for the smallest time period of the ability. For example, if a chant has the cost of 1 Stabiltity per minute, both priests need to be chanting for one minute before it can be considered handed off.