
Events are exactly those sorts of things that can cause one to become an adventurer. They are possibly dangerous, sometimes exciting, occasionally magical happenings that can affect a person forever, in both good and bad ways. They are in three categories: general, regional, and racial. A player may roll once on each table (he does not have to). In the tables, NU= Novice Units, SP= skill points. If the result specifies a certain advantage or disadvantage, no points are gained or spent for this.

General Events
Roll Name Description Effects
2 Monstrous Attack The character was attacked by some hideous beast, but was rescued or otherwise managed to escape. He was injured, and is still haunted by the memory. Constitution and Presence receive a -1. However, the character receives 2 NU/SP in a Lore or Knowledge skill relating to the creature that attacked him, and a +1 to Perception. In addition, the character receives a Phobia disadvantage for the creature or something that suggests it. Finally, the character receives what is effectively a Spirit Sense for the creature, and is able to feel when it (or other of its kind) is about.
3 Brush with the Divine Perhaps you saw a manifestation, or had a dream where a god gave you a charge; perhaps you are simply chosen out for divine attention. Regardless, you are linked to a god in a fundamental way, whether you like it or not. Receive the Divine Connection advantage. This does not have to be for a deity you worship, although if the character is otherwise portraying a religious character it probably should be (deities don't often infringe on another god's territory in that way).
4 Brush with Shadow The character had a run-in with undead, or otherwise was exposed to the anti-cosmos. You begin with 2 anti-Trait points (your choice which Traits).
5 Mentor You met a learned or experienced person who decided, for their own reasons, to take you under their wing. Gain the Mentor advantage, but also take an Obligation disadvantage, either to your Mentor, or to a cause of his. In addition, your Mentor teaches you in his specialty, so you gain 1 NU/ 1 SP in that skill.
6 Criminal You were once imprisoned, or have been exiled for some crime. You must either take a Dark Secret, Exiled, or Hunted disadvantage, or start with half normal funds. Note that you may take two of the above disadvantages at 1 each. However, prison or an exile's life has taught you and hardened you; receive 2 NU/ SP in any Hand or Athletic skill(s), or receive a +1 to a physical attribute.
7 Companion Some other person, convinced of your coming greatness or perhaps just thinking you would make a good master, has entered your service. Receive the Henchman advantage.
8 Veteran The character fought in a battle and was wounded. Receive 2 NU/SP towards a weapon skill, and 1 Advantage Point, but take the disadvantage Lingering Wound for your wound.
9 Drafted The character was pressed into service as a soldier. Receive 1 NU/SP towards a weapon skill, and 1 NU/SP towards a Defense skill.
10 Windfall You recently came into a bit of extra money in some way.
11 Manual Labor You worked as a laborer of some sort, or faced a period of privation. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a particularly physical skill. In addition, you can opt to receive the Untiring advantage twice or +1 Body or +1 Constitution. However, taking any of these requires you to start with only half normal funds.
12 Religious Upbringing Your family was particularly devout. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a Religion skill and the Member of the Flock advantage. However, you must take a Vow to uphold your religion.
13 Family Tragedy Something happened to your family when you were younger - perhaps they were killed, perhaps enslaved, or perhaps they are simply missing. In addition to the obvious effects of not having a family, you may not take any upbringing advantages. However, you learned self-reliance early. Take 2 NU/ SP in one or two of the following: Combat Reflexes, Sneak, Hide, Legerdemain, Survival, Evade, Fishing, or Hunting.
14 Extra Training Perhaps you were a failed apprentice, or were trained as part of a specific job. You have received some training in a skill not related to your path. Pick an Art, Craft, Social, Labor, or Wilderness skill not in your path. You receive 3 NU/ SP in that skill.
15 Animal Companion You have a pet of some sort, that stays with you because you care for it, and out of mutual loyalty. Pick a small, tameable animal, such as a cat, dog, hawk, owl, rat, ferret, etc. The animal knows a few commands and can generally take care of itself.
16 Cursed You angered someone who had more power than you knew, or perhaps who simply put more Ka behind their words than people normally do; whichever, you have been cursed. Take the Cursed disadvantage.
17 Robbed You recently had most of your money and possessions stolen. The character begins with half normal starting funds.
18 Refugee You, and perhaps your family, were turned into refugees by some war or natural disaster. The character begins with half normal funds. Also, you must select 2 points worth of disadvantages (you do not receive these points). You gain 1 Advantage Point, and also 1 NU/ 1 SP toward a Wilderness or Stealth skill.
19 Inheritance You have inherited something of value from a relative. The inheritance can be virtually anything that makes sense for the character's background. A horse, a house, even just a sack of gold.
20 Treasure You found something old and rare; perhaps a famous weapon, an enchanted item, a book of lost knowledge, or a map. You possess the item, although you may not be able to fully use it. The downside of this is that there are others who desire it. You receive the Hunted disadvantage.

Racial Events - Dwarven
Roll Name Description Effects
2 Dwarf of Destiny You have a great destiny ahead of you, decreed by the gods and known to other dwarves. Perhaps this is on the scale of refounding Angkaar, or perhaps it is a smaller goal, such as freeing Tallow's Deep from goblins, but either way it is important to the Dwarven people as a whole. Note that this doesn't mean your destiny has to come true! You receive Religion (whichever deity's faith announced your destiny) 1 NU/ 1 SP; Patron; and you receive a +2 on any Concentration or rolls to resist fear or distraction while pursuing your destiny.
3-4 Hold Survivor You are from a small family Hold, which was destroyed somehow. Most of your family were killed. You may not purchase any wealth or family advantages, and in addition should select a disadvantage related to defeat or solitude; dwarves have trouble recovering from this due to their deep family and racial bonds. It may be useful for you to swear an oath of vengeance. You may decide to make this an Honor Pledge if you wish (see below). You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a Wilderness skill.
5-6 Honor Pledged You have committed yourself to a particular goal. You will not abandon this goal for any but the most compelling of reasons. At most, you may delay pursuing it for a short time. This is very binding. While pursuing your goal, you receive a +2 to all rolls to resist Fear, Distraction, or Overawing. In addition, if completing your goal hinges on a single event, you receive a +2 for all rolls associated with that event. Hoever, if you abandon your purpose, you are Cursed until you resume it.
7-8 Rich Strike You or your family founded a rich mine. Receive the Wealth advantage. Also, if your family is still working the mine, you may be able to call upon more funds from it in the future.
9-10 Goblin Fighter You are a veteran of one of the innumerable conflicts between dwarves and goblins.
11-12 Religious Background While most dwarves are religious, you were raised in a particularly devout community. You begin with 1 NU/ 1 SP in the religion of your choice, and the Member of the Flock advantage.
13-14 Veteran The character fought in a battle and was wounded. Receive 2 NU/SP towards a weapon skill, and 1 Advantage Point, but take the disadvantage Lingering Wound for your wound.
15-16 Crafting Kin Members of your family or community are famous for their craftsmanship. If you take a path such as Craftsman or Artisan, you begin with grandmaster quality tools and you may choose one of your path skills as a specialty skill. Otherwise, you begin with a grandmaster quality item of the type your family is known for.
17-18 Isolated Upbringing You were raised in a community with very little outside contact. You may not begin with any languages other than dwarven. You may not begin with any more than 1 NU in knowledge skills that do not directly apply to the immediate surroundings and situation of your family. However, you may spend the additional points normally spent on languages on other skills you have access to.
19-20 Black Sheep You broke dwarven tradition in some way - often, you refused to follow a profession that had been chosen for you. Take a disadvantage that reflects your estrangement, such as Exiled, Hunted, Dark Secret, Criminal, or Poverty. You receive the Courageous advantage, and 1 NU/ 1 SP in a Wilderness, Social, or Hand skill.

Racial Events - Elven
Roll Name Description Effects
3-4 Guardian You were selected to spend at least a portion of your life as a guardian of an elvish site or cause. You must take an Obligation and a Vow. The Obligation specifically refers to the time commitment; this need not be the character's immediate present. The character will receive equipment, training, information, or companions to prepare him for his duties. The GM will give you more information based upon your specific guardianship.
5-6 Traveler You have spent many years wandering the world, far from other elves. You may not begin with any special elvish equipment, except for those in the Traveler's List. You also must begin with half normal funds. However, you receive the Well-Traveled advantage, and 1 other advantage point.
7-8 Elvish Equipment You possess one or more items of unusual elvish make; they have special properties. You have one item, plus one for every advantage point you spend. Elvish clothing, rope, weapons, armor, and more all are possible; the GM may rule that some of these require more than 1 advantage point.
9-10 Pet You begin with an animal companion. Your animal companion may be of unusual sort, although Advantage Points may need to be spent for certain creatures.
11-12 Magical Teachings Due to your gifts, you received some training in elvish magic. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in one skill of elvish magic: Spirit Sense, Spirit Manipulation, Faerie Magic, Faerie Glamour, Faerie Music. Note that Spirit Sense is required for Spirit Manipulation, which is required for the Faerie skills.
13-14 Untrusting Something occured in your past to make you distrustful of non-elves. Perhaps humans logged woods your family lived in, or merchants cheated you; perhaps there was even violence against you or your people. Decide what the event was, and which peoples it has made you distrustful of. This can certainly be all non-elves, but could be more limited as well. Choose another PC race or culture; it is hardly surprising if you have ill feelings toward goblins.
15-16 Child of Faerie You, and perhaps your entire community, are much closer to the smaller fairy spirits of the world. You receive a +2 on checks to deal with fairies. In addition, you may take a small fairy, such as a pixie, as a Henchman or Contact (you must pay the normal cost for these advantages).
17-18 Isolated Upbringing You were raised in a community with very little outside contact.
19-20 Kin to all Elves Your upbringing was such that you learned at least some of the customs and traditions of each sub-race of Elf. You begin with apprentice rank skill in each elvish language. Also, you effectively have a local knowledge skill and a history skill for the closest enclave to your home of each sub-race. Finally, even insular elves such as the Morivalë will at least listen to you.

Racial Events - Allitoian
Roll Name Description Effects
2 Dragon Touched You have seen, and perhaps interacted with, one of the Great Dragons, or perhaps you have a reputation for encountering (and surviving) lesser dragons. Receive the Courageous advantage. Also, you receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Dragon Lore. If you take a Lingering Wound, you may also have a Treasure Map advantage (to a horde guarded by a lesser dragon) or a piece of special equipment related to dragons (such as a talon, several scales, or the like).
3-4 Captured You were held by pirates, bandits, enemy forces, or slavers at some point. You either escaped, were ransomed, or were rescued. Your experience marked you; take either Lone Wolf, Lingering Wound, an appropriate Phobia, or a Chronic Illness. These should total 3-4 points worth of disadvantages (naturally, you receive no points). However, you gained something as well; choose one of: a Treasure Map, Light Sleeper, or 1 NU/ 1 SP in a skill used by the captors (such as a language, Sailing, Survival, etc. Not a weapon).
5-6 Sailor of the Shining Sea You once traveled on a vessel sailing the waters to the west. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Arrean, and may also select 3 points worth of allies from around the Shining Sea.
7-8 Sailor of the Enclosed Sea You worked or traveled on a ship sailing the Enclosed Sea. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a language from the opposite end of the sea from your homeland, and also receive the Well-Traveled advantage.
9-10 Black Sheep You were supposed to follow in the family business, or perhaps had an arranged marriage or apprenticeship. Whichever, you left rather than complete your family's plan. Take a disadvantage that reflects your estrangement, such as Exiled, Hunted, Dark Secret, Criminal, or Poverty. You receive the Courageous advantage, and 1 NU/ 1 SP in a Wilderness, Social, or Hand skill.
11-12 Trade Preparation You received training in a particular profession. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a skill that can be used for a profession, such as a craft. This can be your specialized skill.
13-14 Itinerant You've spent most of the money you had on traveling. You start with the Poverty disadvantage and either the Contacts or Well-Traveled advantage.
15-16 Property Owner You own a house, or possibly a small farm. This is not large enough to have tenants, and does not come with servants. You receive the Property advantage.
17-18 Servant You were a servant to a wealthy, perhaps noble, family. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Menial Tasks, and 1 NU/ 1 SP in any other servant-type skill. You may also take a Patron, but if you do so you must take an Obligation. You may also take an Ally in your former master; alternatively you may choose the Wealth advantage and the Criminal and Hunted disadvantages.
19-20 Foreign Military Service You served in a military that is not part of your homeland, such as in the Freeguard Coalition, Blackguard, the Neutral Territories, etc. You receive 2 NU/ 2 SP in any weapon or defense skill. In addition, you must take a Vow appropriate to the area you served; although you have been discharged, you are still expected to uphold your oath of service.

Racial Events - Norrald
Roll Name Description Effects

Racial Events - Rheen
Roll Name Description Effects

Racial Events - Simean
Roll Name Description Effects
2 Sight of the Dragon At some point, you beheld a truly awesome sight - the Great Dragon of Simea, the Terror of the North. After seeing the great creature, other threats pale by comparison. You receive the Courageous advantage. In addition, seeing the Dragon in the manner that you did (i.e. by chance, and surviving) is considered an Omen of greatness for you.
3-4 Legacy of Magic You inherited some small magic or secret lore. Choose either a small magical item, or a restricted skill that the GM approves of (1 NU/ 1 SP). Simeans are somewhat distrustful of magic-users, however, so your family is either a Dark Secret, or you may take Exiled or Reclusive.
5-6 Legacy of Wealth You inherited money and property. You may receive either the Wealth or Property advantages. Alternatively, you may take both, but if so you must also take the Dark Attractor disadvantage (clearly, all this good fortune will be repaid someday).
7-8 Legacy of Valor You have inherited the tools of a warrior. You may select armor and a weapon, or a weapon and a shield, or a similar set. Your equipment is at least of Master quality, and may have some unexpected properties (as the GM determines). You have an Obligation, or a Vow, to uphold the honor of your family.
9-10 Well-Outfitted You have sworn yourself into the service of some lord, and he has generously paid for your kit. You receive the Wealth advantage, but the extra money gained from this can only be spent on equipment related to your service. You also receive the Patron advantage, but may not call upon him for any additional resources until you have repaid this initial investment in some way.
11-12 Northerner Born and Bred You grew up in the cold northern countryside. You receive 2 NU/ 2 SP in Survival: Cold Weather or in Hunting.
13-14 Eastlander You spent at least some time in the East Lands, working, soldiering, or trading. Gain 1 NU/ 1 SP in either Silvan Elvish or Dwarvish. In addition, you gain 1 NU/ 1 SP in Local Knowledge: EastLand.
15-16 Sailor of the Shrouded Sea You have braved the fog-bound, often icy northern waters. You may take 1 NU/ 1 SP in Western Dwarvish, Relnish, or High Elven. In addition, you receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Survival: Cold.
17-18 Omen Reader YOu have always had a gift for seeing the future, although you may not have received formal training. Receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Divining. One of your first methods must be Omens.
19-20 Dark Bargain You almost died once, caught in a blizzard, perhaps, or maybe fallen through ice. You cried out, offering anything to be saved. And...something accepted your offer. You are Demon Tainted, or the equivalent. You must also take a Lingering Wound, Chronic Disease, Missing Hand, or similar. However, you have Resistance: Cold, and may also use your dark benefactor as a mentor of sorts. With the GM's permission, you may be able to select an alterante advantage.

Racial Events - Yarrin
Roll Name Description Effects
2 Memories of a Former Life Yarrins typically believe in reincarnation. Unlike most, however, you actually have at least some memories from one or more past lives. Make up some of your soul's history with the help of your GM. You receive 6 NU/ SP to spend on skills relating to this former life. However, the GM may rule that you have leftover disadvantages, and you almost always have a Dark Secret or Hunted disadvantage due to those who fear you.
5-6 Dreamwalker
7-8 Sailor of the Enclosed Sea You worked or traveled on a ship sailing the Enclosed Sea. You receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in a language from the opposite end of the sea from your homeland, and also receive the Well-Traveled advantage.
13-14 Itinerant You've spent most of the money you had on traveling. You start with the Poverty disadvantage and either the Contacts or Well-Traveled advantage.
17-18 Magic Intolerance Most Yarrins have a fear of magic, particularly in human hands, but your feelings go far beyond this. You hate and fear magic. This does not apply to psionics or priestly powers, and only applies to the more overt forms of musical or spiritual magic. You distrust demi-humans who wield magic, but have a less severe reaction than to human magicians. An obvious human mage or wizard gains a Fear Rating of 1 toward you. While your actions are still your own, no one would be surprised if you led a lynch mob.

Regional Events - Lindon
Roll Name Description Effects
5-6 Elf Friend You grew up around grey elves, and know something of their ways; they count you as a friend. If you are an elf, this applies to another subrace, or dwarves, as you desire. You receive a +1 to all Etiquette and Diplomacy roles involving grey elves, and you receive +1 NU/ SP in grey elven language.
7-8 Street Artist You spent some time with or as a street artist or performer. Choose an Art or Hand skill. Gain 3 NU/ SP in it. Also, gain 1 NU/ SP in Barter and in Local Knowledge: Haven.
15-16 University Education You spent some time studying at the University of Haven. You have access at creation to most non-magical skills that require a source, such as Engineering. Pick one of these or another non-magical Knowledge or Art skill; you receive 3 NU/ 3 SP in it. In addition, you are literate in your native language and in Common (if human, you are literate in either Allitoian or Yarrin as well as Common). Finally, you receive 1 NU/ 1 SP in Lindon History, and 1 NU/ 1 SP in Local Knowledge: Haven.
17-18 Monastic Upbringing You were sent to one of the remote monasteries (Xeres, Turin, Dumathoin, Dunae, Traell, Ender, Xene/Xiona, Arvoreen, or Labelas Enoreth) in Lindon for schooling and religious training. Pick one of the above deities, as appropriate for your race. You are a Member of the Flock for that religion, and you have a Mentor who is a priest at that abbey. You receive 3 NU/ SP in Local Knowledge for the area surrounding the religious retreat; are literate in the language used for that religion; receive 3 NU/ SP in a Labor skill used at that monastery; and receive 1 NU/ SP in a skill common to or important for that religion.
19-20 Non-Human Blood Your ancestry is slightly mixed. Take one of: Dwarvish Blood, Elvish Blood, or Goblin Blood.

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