All PC's select a Homeland as part of their origin. Characters should select one of the Homelands listed for their race. In rare cases, the GM may allow a character to begin in a Homeland not allowed for his race; i.e. the character is a foundling raised by another community. For more information on these lands, please refer to the Tour of Rhean and to the respective races' page, all of which can be reached from the Table of Contents.
All Homelands have a Primary Language. Characters from this setting begin with this language at Journeyman(4). In addition, each Homeland has a list of languages that are also commonly known in that region. Characters receive (6 + their Intelligence Modifier) NU, and (10 + Int Modifier) SP to apply to these languages as they see fit; they may also increase their Primary Language if they wish.
Each Homeland also includes certain bonus skills, points, or advantages. Characters apply these as directed by the Homeland text. Note that certain skills may vary depending on where in the Homeland region the character is from; for example, characters from Blackguard are more likely to be miners than farmers, while the reverse is true for Goodlund, even though these are both found in the 'Southwestern Allitoian Nations' Homeland. All characters receive Local Knowledge skill at Apprentice(2) for their specific region.
Finally, each Homeland lists available paths for characters. Characters must select either a path from their Homeland or take the Adventurer path. Descriptions of the paths follow the list of Homelands.
Angdaarem: The Dwarves of the IronHolts are conservative and isolationist, but they have many fine craftsmen and warriors. The Primary Language is Eastern Dwarvish. Other languages include: written Dwarvish, Yarrin(s), Relnish(s/w), Goblin(s), Common(s/w). Available paths include: Craftsman, Engineer, Healer, Holy Warrior, Laborer, Loremaster, Miner, Priest, Soldier, Tunnel Rat, Warrior.
Lindon: The Dwarves of Lindon have made alliances with other races, and are more involved in the world, although they still hold to Dwarven traditions. The Primary Language is Eastern Dwarvish. Other languages include: written Dwarvish, Western Dwarvish, Yarrin(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Goblin(s), Common(s/w), Grey Elvish(s). Available paths are: Artisan, Craftsman, Diplomat, Engineer, Healer, Laborer, Loremaster, Merchant, Miner, Priest, Soldier, Warrior.
Thradzul: The Western Dwarves, or Dwarves of the Second Parting, wandered over a wide area in search of a homeland, and they now have many separate dwellings, rather than the great single underground cities of the Eastern Dwarves. The Primary Language is Western Dwarvish. Other languages include: written Dwarvish, Eastern Dwarvish, Silvan Elvish(s), Simean(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Common(s/w). Available paths are: Artisan, Craftsman, Diplomat, Engineer, Healer, Laborer, Loremaster, Merchant, Miner, Priest, Scout, Soldier, Warrior.
Other Western Dwarves: The Western Dwarves who dwell outside of Thradzul tend to be somewhat isolationist; their history involves much more conflict with other races than the dwarves of the great nations. While the dwarves who live near the borders of Simea tend to respect and trust the Simeans, they are still unsure of the Allitoians (although they do trade with them). The dwarves to the south are even less friendly, due to the destruction of their great city of Vornkaer by Draknia. While trade occurs, and some dwarves travel widely, their culture as a whole is aloof, secretive, and militaristic. The Primary Language is Western Dwarvish. Other languages include: written Dwarvish, Arrean(s), Allitoian(s/w), Common(s), Gnoll(s), Orc(s), Silvan Elf(s), Simean(s/w).
Aloen Forest/ the East: These are largely Silvavalë (Wood Elves) who have little connection to other peoples. They are not unfriendly, merely cautious and isolationist. Their Primary Language is Silvan Elvish. Other languages include: Silvan Elvish(w), High Elvish(s/w), Allitoian(s), Simean(s), Common(s/w), Wild Elvish(s), Western Dwavish(s), Gnoll(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Barbarian, Craftsman, Forest Warden, Hunter, Minstrel, Scout, Warrior.
Daresh: Although primarily Ithilvalë, nearly all of the subraces are represented here. The Primary Language is High Elvish. Other languages include: any Elvish(s/w), Allitoian(s), Simean(s), Common(s/w), Draconic(s), ancient Elvish(s/w). Available paths include: Artisan, Craftsman, Chronicler, Faerie Mage, Forest Warden, Diplomat, Healer, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Scholar, Scout, Soldier, Warrior.
Lindon: All of the subraces of Elves may be found here. The Primary Language is Grey Elvish. Other languages include: any Elvish(s/w), Eastern Dwarvish(s/w), Common(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Yarrin(s/w), Central Halfling(s), Gnomish(s/w), Goblin(s/w), ancient Elvish(s/w), Rheen(s/w), pre-Allitoian(w), pre-Yarrin(w). The following paths are available to Elves of Lindon: Artisan, Chronicler, Craftsman, Diplomat, Faerie Mage, Forest Warden, Healer, Hunter, Merchant, Minstrel, Priest, Scholar, Scout, Ship-Warder, Thief, Warrior.
Northeast: Including Relnin, the Fairdells, and the surrounding areas.
Lindon: Also includes the immediately contiguous lands.
The West:
The Fairdells: These halflings are largely Hairfoots.
Lindon: Also Hairfoots for the most part, although more variety is found here than anywhere else.
Yonglath: These are largely Tallfellows who have become settled. There are many of these dwelling throughout the lands south of Alaron.
The Empty Lands: These are part of the roaming Tallfellow clans that dwell throughout the territory south of the Sairlaer.
Central Areas: Some Halflings are found in lands all around the Enclosed Sea. These are Stouts, Hairfoots, or crosses for the most part.
Near Thradzul: These are Stouts who have formed close alliance with the dwarves of the hills.
Neutral Territories: This also includes other Allitoian lands where Halflings dwell. These are primarily Stouts.
Simea: Including Simea, Sinet, Dellast, and Simea's eastern territories. The Primary Language is Simean. Other languages include: written Simean, Eastern Simean(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Common(s/w), Sambda(s), Silvan Elvish(s), High Elvish(s), Relnish(s/w), Western Dwarvish(s), Gnoll(s), Orc(s). Available paths are: Artisan, Craftsman, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Knight, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Seer, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior.
HorseLords: The Primary Language is Sambda. Other languages include: Simean(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Armenj(s), Orc(s), Kobold(s), Centaur(s), Common(s). Paths include: Artisan, Craftsman, Barbarian, Nomad, Hunter, Warrior, Priest, Minstrel, Laborer, Healer.
Jardaan Colonies:
Northwestern Allitoian Nations: Including Allinis, the Neutral Territories, and Mulmarnen. The Primary Language is Allitoian. Other languages include: written Allitoian, Common(s/w), Simean(s/w), Arrean(s/w), Silvan Elvish(s), Western Dwarvish(s), Orc(s), Kobold(s), Sambda(s). Available paths are: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Knight, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Seer, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior.
Southwestern Allitoian Nations: Including LastLand, Altarch, Blackguard, Freeport, GoodLund, Sentia, Kenien, Kartul. The Primary Language is Allitoian. Other languages include: written Allitoian, Arrean(s/w), Common(s/w), Western Dwarvish(s), Silvan Elvish(s), Orc(s), Gnoll(s), Armenj(s/w). Available paths include: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Knight, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Seer, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior, Elementalist, Guildsman, Navigator.
Windward Isles: Including Draknia, Fog Isle, and Allwind. The Primary Language is Arrean. Other languages include: written Arrean, Allitoian(s/w), Common(s/w), Simean(s), Armenj(s/w), Gnoll(s), Orc(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Gladiator, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, DragonLord, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Seer, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior, Elementalist, Guildsman, Navigator.
Central Allitoian Nations: Including Sailsion and the Free Coast, Lultan, Gartae, and Zentir. The Primary Language is Common. Other languages include: written Common, Allitoian(s/w), Simean(s), High Elvish(s), Western Dwarvish(s), Yarrin(s), Kobold(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Knight, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Seer, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior, Elementalist, Guildsman, Navigator.
Pirate Nations: Including Kanentral and all nearby territories, and also Varnea, Duln, and Gondarch. The Primary Language is Common. Other languages include: written Common, Allitoian(s/w), Yarrin(s/w), Simean(s), Southern Goblin(s/w), High Elvish(s).
Woodsmen: These are humans of ancient stock, probably mixed Simean/ Allitoian, who have dwelt in the woodlands of the West for centuries. They are now found only in the Aloen, although there might be a small number in the Old Forest or even the Moon Woods. Their language is unusual; it has many borrowed Old Simean and Silvan Elvish words, even though its basic form is that of Old Allitoian. Its name is Waldan; there is no written form. Other languages include: Common (s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Simean, Silvan Elvish, Gnomish, Orc, Kobold.
Destend: Including Destend, the Pass, and Lowmount. The Primary Language is Common. Other languages include: written Common, Allitoian(s/w), Yarrin(s/w), Relnish(s/w), Southern Goblin(s), Great Giantish(s), Simean(s), Desertan(s/w), Eastern Dwarvish(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Assassin, Burglur, Craftsman, Diplomat, Engineer, Guildsman, Healer, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Triad Enforcer, Triad Member, Warrior.
Lindon: The Primary Language is Common. Other languages include: written Common, Yarrin(s/w), Grey Elvish(s/w), any spoken Elvish, Eastern Dwarvish(s/w), Central Halfling(s), Gnomish(s/w), Goblin(s), Ancient Yarrin(s/w), Relnish(s/w), Allitoian(s/w), Simean(s), Rheen(s/w), Norrald(s/w). Available paths are: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Diplomat, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Knight, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Monk, Noble, Paladin, Priest, Psionicist, Sailor, Scout, Servant, Soldier, Thief, Warrior.
Rhe/ Rheen: Including Rhe, Rhe'i, and Xer. The Primary Language is Rheen or Rhein (for Rhe'i and Xer). Other languages include: written Rheen, ancient Rheen or Yarrin(s/w), Yarrin(s/w), Southern Halfling(s), Daehl(s). Paths include: Alchemist, Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Elementalist, Engineer, Gladiator, Healer, Hunter, Illusionist, Laborer, Mage, Merchant, Minstrel, Necromancer, Noble, Priest, Sage, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Servant, Soldier, Sorcerer, Thief, Warrior.
Northern Yarrin Refugee Nations (North of Lindon): Including Yor, Eagle's Roost, and Tyshen.
Relnin: The Primary Language is Relnish. Other languages include: written Relnish, Yarrin(s/w), Common(s/w), Simean(s), Easter Dwarvish(s), Goblin(s), Norrald(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Diplomat, Druid, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Monk, Noble, Priest, Psionicist, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Servant, Soldier, Star Mage, Sword, Thief, Warrior.
Southern Yarrin Refugee Nations (South of Lindon): Including Sirna, Emur, and Dayen.
North-Central Lands: Including Xanaster, the Fairdells, Waylen, and Grifton. The Primary Language is Relnish. Other languages include: written Relnish, Yarrin(s/w), Common(s/w), Simean(s), Easter Dwarvish(s), Goblin(s), Norrald(s). Available paths include: Artisan, Burglur, Craftsman, Diplomat, Druid, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Merchant, Minstrel, Monk, Noble, Priest, Psionicist, Sailor, Scholar, Scout, Servant, Soldier, Star Mage, Thief, Warrior.
South-Central Lands (Around Sairlaer): Including Yonglath and Malmon.
Eagle Knights:
Closed Land:
New States: Including Emeran and Nimar.
Norheim Successor States: Including Echem, NorMarch, the Bard Lands, Mar, the Cold Dawn Isles, Eri, and the Sea Kings. The Primary Language is Norrald. Other languages include: written Norrald, Common(s/w), Relnish(s/w), Yarrin(s), Northern Goblin(s/w), Bardic Speech(s/w), Beaumal(s/w). Paths include: Artisan, Barbarian, Bard, Burglur, Craftsman, Diplomat, Druid, Engineer, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Merchant, Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scout, Servant, Thief, Warrior.
Acquise, Meredar:
Southeast Nomads:
Character Paths
A character's path is what was initially planned for their life: a trade they were apprenticed into, a family business, perhaps forced work or labor for survival. Each has three stages; after each stage characters gain NU (Novice Unit) and SP (Skill Point) equal to the stage number in the primary skill for that path. If a character wishes, he may choose to switch paths after each stage; the new path will have a different primary skill. When a character begins a new path, he always starts at stage 1 of that path. However, characters only complete a total of three stages each. This means that you could have three stage 1's, or a stage 1 and 2 followed by another stage 1, etc. Each path has one or more secondary skills associated with each stage; these are the skills listed after the stage number. The character also receives NU and SP equal to the stage they are on to be assigned to secondary skills for that stage. If the character completes a path (i.e. has all three stages in the same path), he receives four bonus SP in the primary skill, and one NU and one SP toward any of the secondary skills of that path. Remember that skill rank is limited to Journeyman, and Level to 5, during character creation. If the character would exceed this, he may choose to apply the NU or SP to any secondary skill associated with that path instead. Certain paths may also include advantages or disadvantages; some of these are gained only upon completion of the path. Note that any "bonus" referred to is only for that stage; if a stage refers to a previous stage, it does not include bonuses.
A special note on restricted skills:
Restricted skills may be chosen as the Primary Skill of a path if the path would allow that choice. For skills with the Restriction 'Source', the character is simply assumed to have had an appropriate source during their training. For skills that have another skill as a restriction, the character must fulfill that requirement during character creation. For example, Weaponsmithing has the requirement 'Blacksmithing'. The character may fulfill this requirement by taking Blacksmithing as a specialist skill, or by using NU and SP from stage 1 or 2 of Craftsman path to purchase Blacksmithing (as it is a 'Craft skill associated with the primary skill'). In this case, the Primary skill is still considered to have advanced before the character was technically allowed to purchase it. If a skill cannot be purchased in this way, the GM should allow some of the points devoted to the Primary Skill to be used to fulfill this requirement, or to allow the player to use points from late in the character creation process.
The Paths:
Adventurer: This is not a path in the same sense as the others as it does not really have a place in a community; rather, it is a general path that anyone can follow. The character may choose any primary skill he likes, and also may choose one secondary skill of his choice for each stage. If he completes this path, he must apply the secondary skill bonuses to one of the skills he assigned as a stage skill. Upon completion of this path the character receives 4 Advantage points.
Alchemist: The compounders of strange chemicals and magical elixirs, Alchemists use herbal knowledge, but also go further, using rare ingredients, secret formulae, and even some magical knowledge. The Primary Skill is Alchemy.
Stage 1: Plant Lore, Animal Lore, Concentration, Herbalism, Cooking, Menial Tasks.
Stage 2: Alchemical Knowledge, any open Knowledge, any ancient language, Legend Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Herbalism or Concentration, 1 NU/ 1 SP in Cooking or Menial Tasks.
Stage 3: Religion, any Craft skill, Arcane Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill, 1 NU/ 1 SP in a knowledge secondary skill.
Artisan: As with Craftsman, this covers a large number of related occupations. The line between an Artisan and other paths can sometimes be fairly vague, but in general both will be allowed. The primary skill is any Art.
Stage 1: any Art associated with the Primary, Barter, Etiquette.
Stage 2: History, Heraldry, any open Knowledge, Appraise, Diplomacy, any Craft associated with the Primary. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP toward any open skill, and a 1 point Ally.
Stage 3: Evade, Oratory, any weapon associated with the Primary or (if none such) any light and common weapon. Bonus: Masterwork quality item associated with the Art, and a 2 point Ally.
Assassin: Professional killers, they may work for a cause or simply for money. The primary skill is Hide.
Stage 1: Sneak, Small Blades (attack or parry), Crossbow, Acrobatics, Climbing.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Lock Picking, Legerdemain, Herbalism, Plant Lore, Disguise, Evade, Chirurgy. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP toward any secondary skill.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Alchemy, Combat Reflexes, Light Armor, Intimidation, Forgery, any other weapon. Bonus: 2 NU/ SP toward any secondary skill; the character may also take on a 2 point Hunted Disadvantage and a 2 point Obligation in exchange for 1 NU/ SP in one of the following focused skills: Triad Knife, Khelex Moris, Dragon's Fang. This also effectively starts them with a Patron, although not necessarily as friendly a Patron as most characters have...
Barbarian: This is a catch-all term for certain primitive folk. It is similar to Nomad, although this path assumes a stationary culture rather than the roaming implicit in that path. Not everyone in such a culture will follow this path; this is specifically the role of fighting man/ hunter/ trapper/ scout common to such societies. The primary skill is Survival.
Stage 1: Endurance, Tracking, Evade, cultural weapon.
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Bard: These are the Bards of the BardLands and other remnants of Norheim; they are much more than simply minstrels or entertainers. It has become something of a fad for nobles outside of these lands to hire them to perform, although once their trip is payed for the Bards are often willing to perform for any who truly wish to listen. There are several colleges of Bards; each has a slightly different focus and teachings. Each character must specify their college when they choose this path; the colleges cooperate, and may teach students of another college from time to time, but all teaching starts with a particular college. The colleges are: Ollamh, the Master Bards, keepers of secret lore; Filidh, the historians and minders of nobility; Fianna, the warrior-poets; Fochlucan, who sing songs of heroes and kings to inspire all; Canaith, the closest to the Druids; Doss, who study and keep the common law; and Anstruth, who are students of music itself. No character may begin as Ollamh; instead, they may apply for induction to this college once they are Masters in their own. The Primary Skill of this path is Bardic Music.
Stage 1: Etiquette, Diplomacy, Singing, Instrument, any Language.
Stage 2: one College, Oratory, Heraldry, History, an appropriate weapon, Evade. Bonus: 2 NU/ 2 SP in any secondary skills. The character must have a College and either Singing or Instrument by this point. The character must take a Vow.
Stage 3: Light Armor, any open Knowledge, Legend Lore, Craft Instrument. Bonus: 2 NU/ 2 SP in secondary skills. The character must take a low-point value Hunted disadvantage (Dysnarkyl).
Burglur: This larcenous path is for those who wish to infiltrate homes and open strongboxes, as compared to Thieves who more often interact with their victims. The primary skill is Lock Picking.
Stage 1: Appraise, Hide, Sneak, Conceal, Climb.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Legerdemain, Acrobatics, Trap Lore, Rope Use. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Tinker, Light Armor or Evade.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Barter, Guile, Forgery, Disguise, Locksmithing. Bonus: 2 NU/ SP in any skills under this path.
Chronicler: History is extremely important to elves, and they are perhaps even more aware than most that memory can become untrustworthy over time. Chroniclers devote themselves to recording and preserving historical knowledge, and pride themselves on the accuracy of their records. Their primary skill is History (Elvish, specify as you wish).
Stage 1: Etiquette, any language, Heraldry.
Stage 2: Oratory
Stage 3:
Craftsman: This covers any of a large number of professions, all of which make goods. The line between a Craftsman and an Artisan is often a thin one; likewise, Merchants and Guildsmen are closely related to this path. The primary skill is chosen by the player but obviously must be a Craft skill.
Stage 1: Appraise, any Knowledge or Craft skill related to the primary skill (for example, Geology for a Mason).
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Evade, Etiquette, a skill used with your products, a weapon skill based upon a tool used in the primary skill (such as a hammer for a smith). Bonus: free equipment/ items made by your primary skill (Journeyman quality, up to 3 items), contact with a merchant who will sell goods you make, and 1 NU/ 1 SP toward a secondary skill.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Light Armor, any Artisan skill that can be used with the primary skill. Bonus: Untiring advantage plus a Master quality item either used with or produced by the primary skill.
Diplomat: Envoys, talkers, representatives of governments, diplomats have specifically trained in the arts of communication and negotiation. Naturally, many others, particularly nobles, often receive these sorts of positions, but do not necessarily have this specialized training. Some diplomats are also used as spies. The primary skill is Diplomacy.
Stage 1: Etiquette, Heraldry, Oratory, Menial Tasks, Barter.
Stage 2: Appraise, Ride, Poetry, Intrigue, Guile, Singing, any language, any history. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Etiquette, 1 NU/ 1 SP in Menial Tasks.
Stage 3: Intimidation, Forgery, Disguise, Seduction, Evade, Small or Light Blades, Hide, Sneak. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Etiquette or Oratory, 1 NU/ 1 SP in any secondary skill.
Dragonlord: Dragonlords are only known in the West. The name is misleading; no one truly commands dragons. Rather, a dragonlord is someone who can talk to dragons and be reasonably sure the dragon will listen instead of eating him. Of course, everyone makes mistakes once...The primary skill is Dragon Lore.
Stage 1: any western language, Evade, Concentration, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Running.
Stage 2: Combat Reflexes, Light Armor, Animal Training, Animal Lore, Shield. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Etiquette (dragons), 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill.
Stage 3: Heavy Armor, a weapon, Herbalism, Barter. Bonus: may consider one dragon to be a low-level ally.
Druid: Druids are nature priests; they venerate the world and natural processes. They were more widespread in the past, but are mostly found in the northeast (Norheim) area now, although certain cultures elsewhere have very similar religious beliefs.
Eagle Knight: The Eagle Knights were founded in the area around the Great Lake some time ago, although they have only become known by this name in recent times with the advent of the Common language. They were originally based upon Yarrin traditions centered around the religion of Turin which call for protection of innocents. In this case, a ruling warrior class determined that their purpose was protecting the mixed peoples under their command.
Elementalist: A magical path, this is the lore of controlling and summoning elemental forces. These magicians are often called Wizards. It is known in Allitoian lands, and some primitive people have made a study of it as well. Although known in Rhe, the magi look down upon anyone who devotes themselves to this discipline, as they see it as a tool only. The elves do not tend to use it. The primary skill is Elemental Lore; naturally, the character must choose an element to specialize in. Note that it is possible to learn multiple Elemental Lore skills, covering various elements; a character may switch their primary skill to another element after each stage.
Stage 1: Ancient Language (choose most likely for region), Concentration.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus any skill associated with the element (for example, Masonry with Earth Lore), another Elemental Lore, Arcane Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP Concentration.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Elemental Mastery for primary element, Evade, Legend Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP toward a secondary skill; if the character has points in two or more Elemental Lores, he learns one Emulation.
Engineer: Master planners and builders, engineers are responsible for more complex equipment and buildings, including seige equipment and fortresses.
Faerie Mage: These are elvish or other fae wizards. While some of their techniques have been shared with other races, others are unique to them. Also, while some elves learn other types of magics, they do not gain the respect of their race as these mages do, and some are actually scorned or exiled. Specifically, faerie mages are the generalists of fae magicians; the entirety of faerie enchantments are theirs to learn, if they so choose. Their primary skill is Spirit Sense.
Stage 1: Spirit Manifestation, Arcane Lore, Concentration.
Stage 2: Faerie Glamour, Faerie Magic, Plant Lore, Herbalism, Animal Lore, Singing, any History, any language. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in Concentration, 1 NU/ SP in Spirit Manifestation.
Stage 3: Evade, Illusion, Faerie Music, any Elvish Weapon, Spirit Walking. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in Faerie Magic or Faerie Glamour.
Forest Warden:
Gladiator: Warriors who fight to entertain or to dispose of criminals and malcontents, gladiators are common in the south and are also found in the west. Many begin as slaves, although they are often favored and may earn their freedom. The primary skill is Combat Reflexes.
Stage 1: any weapon, any parry, Evade, Light Armor, Shield.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Medium Armor, Two-Weapon Fighting, Climbing, Jumping, Endurance. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP for any weapon.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Chirurgy, Ride, Running, Endurance. Bonus: 2 NU/ SP toward any secondary skill.
Guildsman: Many Allitoian nations have their craftsmen, merchants, and other tradesmen organized into Guilds, which regulate the practice of those trades. In some cases this can be very restrictive; in Gartae, for example, only members of a Guild are legally permitted to trade in or produce items regulated by that Guild.
Healer: The skills of (mostly) non-magical healing. Although most of these techniques are not at all magical, the healer does learn of the possibilities of magical healing, and may be familiar with certain "special" places, plants, and the like which could be useful for this. The primary skill is Chirurgy.
Stage 1: Plant Lore, Herbalism, Etiquette, Intimidation, Evade, Cooking.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Small Blades or Hand Axes, Animal Lore, Survival, Concentration, Light Armor. Bonus: roll for 1 extra event (any chart, you may +/- 1 on the roll if you wish) or gain 1 NU, 1 SP in a specific Religion (associated with healing).
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Alchemy, Religion, Combat Reflexes. Bonus: Patron advantage or Member of the Flock (specific deity associated with healing), also +1 NU/ SP in any secondary skill.
Holy Warrior: Many religions empower certain members of their congregations to use violence to further the ends of the religion. Some of these religious warriors, through special training, personal faith, and the blessings of their deities, gain special abilities above most warriors. The primary skill is Religion for the character's deity. A Paladin (see below) is a specific example of a Holy Warrior.
Stage 1: religion's preferred weapon, Evade, Light Armor.
Stage 2: Etiquette, Heraldry, any weapon or defensive skill advocated by the religion. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in preferred weapon, Member of the Flock.
Stage 3: any skill particularly associated with the religion. Bonus: Divine Connection, 1 NU/ SP in preferred weapon or defense.
Hunter: This path includes skilled woodsmen and foresters as well as huntmasters. It differs from Scouts primarily in that it almost always refers to someone who makes his living directly from the wild, as compared to someone who makes his living in the wilderness. The primary skill is Hunting.
Stage 1: Survival, Tracking, Animal Lore, Archery, Spear, Evade, Small Blades.
Stage 2: Animal Training, Hide, Light Armor, Fletching, Combat Reflexes, Cooking, Trapping. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill.
Stage 3: Plant Lore, Weather Lore, Climbing, Leatherworking, Sneak. Bonus: Quick Reflexes or Fast or Keen Senses (choose one); also 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill.
Laborer: Any number of professions fall under this path, but only those that require more knowledge and experience, such as farming, logging, and the like normally require a path. Simple lifting and carrying does not normally require a skill. The primary skill is Endurance.
Stage 1: any Labor skill, Evade, Club.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Light Armor, Staff, Intimidation. Bonus: Untiring advantage.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Ride, Drive, any fairly physical Craft skill. Bonus: +1 to Constitution or Strength.
Mage: The mages of Rhe are among the most accomplished users of magic on the continent. Unfortunately, their reputation has been tarnished by war, greed, arrogance, and meddling with dark powers. Rheen mages have access to a wide variety of arcane knowledge, but only some fully explore any one area. The foundation of most mages' power is the Great Runes and their lesser derivations. A mage's primary skill is Concentration. Special: if a mage possesses the Spirit Sensitive advantage, he has access to Spirit Sense and Spirit Manifestation as secondary skills starting at Stage 1, and Illusion at Stage 3.
Stage 1: Rune Lore, Etiquette, Arcane Lore, any common Language, Plant Lore, Animal Lore.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Demonology, Conjuring, any Elemental Lore, Rune Knowledge, Sorcery, Anticratic Lore, Alchemy, Herbalism. Bonus: +1 NU/ SP any secondary skill.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Necromantic Lore, Shadow Lore, Dragon Lore, Rune Mastery, Legend Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in a secondary skill, or a magical tome, or an enchanted item.
Merchant: The tradesmen of many lands, merchants are sellers and transporters of goods. For the most part, the followers of this path are not the producers of goods - they leave that to the craftsmen and artisans - but certainly many craftsmen sell their own wares, and most merchants at least know something of what they peddle. The primary skill for a merchant is Barter.
Stage 1: Appraise, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Evade.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Bluff, Heraldry, Ride, Drive, any common weapon, Light Armor. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP for any secondary skill in this path.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus any Craft or Art skill, any language. Bonus: Well-Traveled or Henchman advantage.
Minstrel: Although minstrels are musicians, this path can be used for other performers. The primary skill is any performing skill.
Stage 1: Etiquette, any common spoken language, a second performing skill used with the primary (for example, singing with playing a stringed instrument).
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Diplomacy, Heraldry, any common written language, Evade, Small Blades. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in Barter. Also, 1 NU/ SP in either Craft Instrument or in any open Knowledge skill.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus any Defense, Ride, 1 other easily carried common weapon, Legend Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in any previous secondary skill and in any one of Barter, Craft Instrument, any open Knowledge. Also, you may roll for 1 additional Event if you wish.
Monk: The Yarrins were of philisophical bent, and after arriving in their new homeland, they found that their lives were easier, so that they had the opportunity to develop ideas and disciplines. Some Yarrins became psionicists, others blademasters, seeking a type of perfection and greatness in their arts. Still others saw that both the inward, mental discipline, and the outward, physical art had value, and they began to incorporate both, training in isolated compounds, just as the psionicists and blademasters often did. Despite their admiration for the blademasters, the monks saw the sword - and reliance on it - as an obstacle to self improvement, so they disdain it and most other weapons. The Yarrins are a fairly religious people, so many of these monks also followed religious teachings. In particular, they embraced the Rheen deities Xene and Xiona. Monks of the Yarrin sort are not common in Rhean; it is a demanding life, with few tangible rewards. Many of the secrets the Yarrins learned were in fact lost until recently, when the School for Yarrin Arts was founded in Lindon. The Primary Skill is Combat Reflexes.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Navigator: Navigators are members of the specialized guild who possess the most knowledge and skill at sea. They are based in the Windward Isles and can be found from the coasts of Jardaa to the eastern end of the Enclosed Sea. They are nearly essential for open-water sailing; most vessels without a Navigator are limited to coasting. They are also said to have strange powers, such as the ability to speak to certain sea creatures. They are jealous of their knowledge and are harsh with those they think may reveal these secrets. Their primary skill is Navigation.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Necromancer: Necromancers are mages whose powers deal with death and unlife. Although it is possible to use this power responsibly and safely, the idea of necromancy is repugnant to most beings, and there is always a risk of corruption with such magic, due to the influence of the anticosmos. Rheen mages have made the most study of this branch of magic, and many dabble in it; those who go further and make it their focus of study are covered by this path. The Primary Skill is Concentration.
Stage 1: Anticratic Lore, Arcane Lore, any common language, Etiquette, History.
Stage 2: Sorcery, Necromantic Lore, Plant Lore, Animal Lore, Rune Lore. Bonus: 2 NU/ 2 SP in either Anticratic Lore or Necromantic Lore.
Stage 3: Shadow Lore, Alchemy, Legend Lore, Religion.
Noble: The politically powerful of many lands, nobles vary considerably from place to place. While they are often rich, they typically also have a hereditary, traditional basis for their status, as compared to successful merchants or land owners. While some nobles are fops or dandies, many are assigned to important posts such as military commands, embassies, or bureacratic positions. Of course, their success rate in these posts varies with the individual.
Stage 1: Etiquette, Diplomacy, Guile, Heraldry, any language, Grooming.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Ride, Driving, Intrigue, Evade, Light Armor, Shield, any appropriate weapon, Appraise. Bonus: Wealth.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Leadership, Religion, any Art, Seduction, Intimidation, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor. Bonus: Henchman or Attractive.
Nomad: Normally a path only found in more primitive cultures, this is both lifestyle and livelihood for wandering, tent-living peoples. This path assumes that the character's culture uses horses or similar steeds for mobility; if this is not the case the character should probably choose another path, perhaps Barbarian. The primary skill is Ride.
Stage 1: Tracking, Evade, cultural weapon, Survival, Animal Training.
Stage 2: Animal Lore, Plant Lore, another cultural weapon, Light Armor, Hunting, Endurance, Jumping. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in a secondary skill of this path, and either Light Sleeper, Quick Reflexes, or Talented in Riding.
Stage 3: Leatherworking, Medium Armor, Weather Lore, Combat Reflexes, Rope Use. Bonus: You own a horse, who is well-trained and acts as an Animal Companion.
Officer: Officers lead and direct soldiers, from small units to great armies. While most non-coms are drawn from the ranks, officers are specially trained and many come from noble families. Although some officers are skilled warriors themselves, this is not a requirement; even some of the best-regarded have little fighting skill. Instead, they know how to lead, and how to defeat an enemy with planning and strategy. The primary skill is Leadership.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Pirate: This path includes all of those who make their living through raiding ships on the high seas. It can include privateers and gentlemen pirates as well as bloodthirsty robbers.
Priest: The specifics of this path vary with the specific religion. All have the primary skill of Religion (specific deity). See also Deities.
Stage 1: Concentration, Light Armor, Etiquette.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus other skills that vary by religion. Bonus: Member of the Flock.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus other skills appropriate to the religion. Bonus: Stage 2 of another path associated with the deity, or go on to Stage 4; Ordained.
Stage 4: special, Religion does not increase. Rather, take 1 NU/ SP in Prayers (specific deity). Secondary as Stage 3. Bonus: Divine Connection (4 points, although the character may spend more).
Psionicist: Psionics is a magical power, born of the individual's knowledge of himself, the world around him, and his place in that world. Psionicists manipulate that balance of the world with the forces that make up their own existence. Many psionicists follow a philosophy based upon the idea of balance, but not all do. The Yarrin people have an inborn ability with psionics, and they have developed it most. The majority of other peoples produce only occasional gifted individuals, and therefore have little formal training in these powers. A psionicist must have the Psionic Potential advantage. The Primary Skill is Mental Focus.
Stage 1: Concentration, Evade, History, Etiquette.
Stage 2: Any psionic discipline in which the character has potential; Endurance, Combat Reflexes. Bonus: potential in +1 discipline.
Stage 3:
Ranger: These are the famous Aenian Rangers, although it may be possible to take this path even if from another land; perhaps you were instructed by an outcast, retired, or failed Ranger, or perhaps you were trained by one of the many people who have attempted to copy their techniques - although your instructor must have been more successful than most if this is the case. Your primary skill is Survival.
Stage 1: Archery, Evade, Tracking, Plant Lore, Animal Lore, Endurance, Hide, Sneak.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus any one-handed melee weapon, any Parry, Herbalism, Weather Lore, Animal Training, Combat Reflexes. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Tracking.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Heraldry, Intimidation, Light Armor. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Tracking, 1 NU/ 1 SP in Fletching. Optional: Stage 4 or take the disadvantages Exiled and Criminal but receive no points for these.
Stage 4: special, characters may achieve this if all other stages in Ranger. Survival does not advance here. As Stage 3, plus Tactics, Chirurgy, Leathercrafting, Concentration. Bonus: choose any 2 secondary skills under this path and add 1 NU/ 1 SP to each. Receive disadvantages of Obligation (2)(Mentor), Obligation (4)(Nation), Vow(4), and Reclusive, but do not gain any points from these. Receive one of the advantages Light Sleeper, Fast, Quick Reflexes, or Keen Sense; and Mentor.
Sailor: Those who man the ships which ply the waters surrounding Rhean. Sailors have many traditions and superstitions of their own, which grow out of their dangerous trade. Rhean seas are more dangerous than Earth's, due to the many creatures which swim in the depths. The primary skill is Sailing.
Stage 1: Rope Use, Menial Tasks, Climbing, Evade, One-Hand Clubs, Brawling, Acrobatics.
Stage 2: Weather Lore, Sea Lore, Jumping, any one-handed Blade or Axe, Singing. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in one secondary skill; 1 NU/ 1 SP in Religion (deity common to sailors).
Stage 3: Appraise, Light Armor, Crossbow, Swimming, Endurance, Combat Reflexes. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP toward a secondary skill; Well-Traveled advantage (mostly for ports).
Scout: These are the more common skulkers and trackers found with armies, working as guides through wilderness areas, or acting as bounty hunters. The primary skill is Tracking.
Stage 1: Survival, Hunting, Fishing, Archery, Evade, Light Armor, Running.
Stage 2: Animal Training, a light weapon, Plant Lore, Animal Lore, Jumping, Swimming, Climbing, Endurance. Bonus: 2 NU/ SP in any secondary skill of this path.
Stage 3: Heraldry, Weather Lore, Herbalism, Combat Reflexes, Hide, Sneak, Fletching, Riding. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in any secondary skill, Well Traveled or a Keen Sense (pick one).
Seer: A tradition common in Simea, and adopted by the Allitoians, Seers claim to foretell future events through omens and some divining method. Although there are many who are con artists, or who have only occasional flashes of real insight, others seem to have some genuine gift, although any who are honest admit that the future is unset and always in motion. Most Seers seek out other mystical lore, to enhance their image or provide other routes to power. Their Primary Skill is Divining.
Stage 1: Guile, Etiquette, Oratory, Diplomacy, History.
Stage 2: Legend Lore, Evade, Concentration, Weather Lore, Animal Lore, Heraldry.
Stage 3: Arcane Lore, Plant Lore, Herbalism, Religion, Astronomical Lore,
Servant: People who work closely with others in service roles, these are not just the house staff of nobility, but can also include waiters, runners, and others employed in the service of others. The Primary Skill is Menial Tasks.
Stage 1: Driving, Cooking, Evade, Etiquette.
Stage 2: Heraldry, Diplomacy, One-Hand Club, Endurance, any household Craft, Hide. Bonus: Patron and 1 NU/ SP in any secondary skill.
Stage 3: Running, Riding, Brawling, Chirurgy, Singing, any Instrument, Small Blades, any Hand skill. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in any secondary skill and Mental Clock or Untiring.
Soldier: Soldiers are professional warriors who are part of an organization. While this does not necessarily have to be a government, it is required to be more than simply a small band of fighters. Discipline and the esprit d'corps are what set soldiers apart from warriors or other fighting men. The primary skill is a soldier's weapon.
Stage 1: Evade, Light Armor, any melee weapon, Shield, Etiquette, Menial Tasks.
Stage 2: Medium Armor, Combat Reflexes, Ride, Endurance, any missle weapon. Bonus: 2 NU/ 2 SP in any secondary skills; must take a Vow.
Stage 3: Leadership, Chirurgy, Heavy Armor, Heraldry, Concentration. Bonus: 2 NU/ 2 SP in any secondary skills; must take an Obligation.
Sorcerer: This is a more primitive magical tradition than magecraft and its associated lores. Despite this, Rhe keeps this knowledge alive, although it is mostly viewed as a tool (much like wizardry). The hallmark of sorcery is that it delves more into life magics than most other magical forms. It thus exposes its practitioners to the anti-cosmos. The Primary Skill is Concentration. Special: as with mages, a sorcerer with the Spirit Sensitive Advantage may learn Spirit Sense, Spirit Manipulation, and Illusion at Stage 1, 2, and 3 (respectively). Spirit Walking may also be learned at Stage 3.
Stage 1: Sorcery, Plant Lore, Animal Lore, Etiquette, common languages.
Stage 2: Arcane Lore, Rune Lore, Anticratic Lore, Herbalism, Elemental Lore, Legend Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill.
Stage 3: Necromantic Lore, Alchemy, Rune Knowledge, Shadow Lore. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in a secondary skill, or a familiar.
Star Mage: The Star Mages were founded by mages dwelling in the North in 150 CY, following centuries of persecution and fear. While these mages were, for the most part, no threat to the peoples of the North, a continuing series of magical attacks and catastrophes, from the Yar-Rhe War, through the wars, to repeated outbreaks of the Dweomer Plague, had left the common people fearing and hating human mages. Many of these attacks had originated with the Dysnarkyl, who recruited those mages who sought to retaliate on the lands of the North. The Star Mages were founded by two groups: those who sought to use magic to combat the Dysnarkyl and Rhe, and those who sought simply to keep their Art alive and growing without turning to those lands for aid. The mages were organized around, and disguised by, the churches of Xeres and Ender, hence their name. Their magical traditions are somewhat varied, as they arise from Rheen and native northern techniques, and also include some teaching of Yarrin psionics. They do not teach any Anticratic Lores, although it is rumored that they do hold such knowledge, and that there is a hidden group within their walls who eagerly pursue these forbidden Arts. The Primary Skill of the Star Mages is Concentration.
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Thief: This path is for those who make their living robbing people, as compared to burglurs who steal from places. In both cases, of course, one can be more or less stealthy. The primary skill is Legerdemain.
Stage 1: Evade, Hide, Sneak, Appraise, Conceal, Guile.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus Small Blades, Club, Climb, Running, Acrobatics. Bonus: 1 NU/ SP in one of Barter, Etiquette, Jumping, or Light Armor.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus Forgery, Disguise, Rope Use. Bonus: 2 NU/ SP in any skills under this path.
Triad Enforcer: The Triads are the criminal organizations of Destend, and the Enforcers maintain their power and punish those who displease their masters.
Triad Member: The common members of the Triads engage in a variety of criminal activities to funnel money upwards into the leadership of the organizations.
Tunnel Rat: Although the name sounds derogatory, the followers of this path are greatly valued for their services. They enter caves, sewers, and other tunnels hunting after vermin - which can range from rats and insects to goblins and even to strange, magical, or undead creatures.
Warrior: A warrior is the common fighter; they may be a mercenary, a guard, or an adventurer, but they are not part of an army (unlike a soldier). The primary skill for a warrior is any weapon. Note that the character chooses one weapon skill; if he wishes another to be primary, he must start a new warrior path.
Stage 1: Evade, any Parry, Shield, Light Armor.
Stage 2: as Stage 1, plus any other weapon, Combat Reflexes, Ride. Bonus: 1 NU/ 1 SP in Light or Medium Armor.
Stage 3: as Stage 2, plus any Armor, Intimidation, Endurance. Bonus: Light Sleeper or Quick Reflexes or grandmaster weapon/ shield/ etc. (choose one item); also 1 NU/ 1 SP in any secondary skill.
Witch/ Warlock: Witches seek out some powerful spirit to teach them magic and other rare knowledge, and to provide them with gifts. Naturally, their patron does not provide this for free; the witch must bargain for such assistance, and the costs can be very steep. Commonly, demons and other evil spirits are willing to make these bargains, with the cost involving sacrifices to that demon and advancement of his plans. Naturally, making and fulfilling such a bargain also gives the demon a claim on the witch's soul. Restricted knowledges work a bit differently for a witch. Unless the character obtains another source, their source must be their patron. Therefore, the witch must pay some kind of price beyond the norm to advance their rank in these skills. A witch must begin with the Demon Tainted disadvantage (or similar).
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
Stage 3: