Deities of Rhean


Nemesis is a deity of war, strife, conflict, and glory. He has been worshipped for a very long time, certainly by the first men who came to Rhean. Different cultures have viewed him in different ways, however; the Rheens see him as a god of victory, who crushes his enemies ruthlessly. He also is seen as a punishment god for those who break the laws of the empire. The Yarrins recognize these same traits, but have often been opposed to the worship of Nemesis, with its creed that the powerful must rule, and that conflict is inevitable. In the West, the Simeans are the most common worshippers of Nemesis. Here, he is seen as a war deity, representing glory and bloody competition, but not waste or abuses of power. The Allitoians have adopted this same view of Nemesis, but are wary of him and his church, as they do not have the same love of war as the Simeans. In fact, many Allitoians are opposed to the worship of Nemesis, particularly since the Strife Wars led to running street battles in Destend.

Deity Nemesis
Alignment LE(N)
Influence Strife, War, Glory, Revenge
Origin pre-Rheen
Worshippers Simean, Rheen, widespread
Symbol Fist Clenching Lightning
Color Yellow and Black

Priests of Nemesis can be cruel; they tend to be uncaring of anyone they are not close to. They enjoy manipulating events, and will often seek to increase tensions or unearth buried animosities. They very much believe in the survival of the fittest, and tend to view the world as a jungle or a competition. This is not to say that they must be evil; many feel that compassion and mercy breed weakness, and so do not display these traits, but at the same time do not actively seek to harm anyone either. All priests of Nemesis must be at least passable warriors; many are also accounted good tacticians and generals.

The major divisions in the church of Nemesis are based upon the local culture. In Simea, war is a means to glory, but it must be conducted with honor; backbiting and treachery, as well as poisons and assassins, are scorned at or worse. In Rhe, on the other hand, Nemesis is worshipped by mages as well as warriors, and poison is at least sometimes used against rivals and enemies. The church of Nemesis does not have a central organization; rather, there are several regional churches, each of which has its own leadership. While worshippers of Nemesis are expected to cooperate, there are rivalries between these organizations, and within them, for dominance. The major regions are: Rhe, Malmon, Emeran, Dysnarkyl, Yor, Kanentral, Sailsion, Freeport, Kenien, and Simea. In the East, either Rhe or Malmon are looked at for guidance and superiority, while Simea leads the West.

Revised Information for Priests and Holy Warriors
At Stage 2 of their path, priests may select from: Leadership, Intimidation, Guile, a weapon skill, a defense skill, Heraldry. At Stage 3, priests and holy warriors may select from this list, and in addition may choose Combat Reflexes, Fisticuffs, Herbalism, Intrigue, Oratory, or Riding.

Religion Skill Abilities
The following abilites are gained with the Religion skill:

Prayer Skill Abilities

Invocation Skill Abilities

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