Allen eSain - A sailor of mixed Allitoian-Yarren parentage, he is included here because he calls the West home. He is owner and captain of his vessel, the Riasain. He is mostly found in Freeport, Altarch, Mulmarn, Cabal, or along the Free Coast. On occasion he sails east, to Zentir or Kanentral, or even further to Destend or Haven. Little is known of his past for sure, although it is thought he was born in Yor or Lindon. His surname is of Yarrin form, but Allitoian spelling; it means "of the sea" and seems to be a pseudonym. Although he has a reputation for carrying some questionable cargoes, he is regarded as a man of honor and of his word.
Baldur Everast - According to legend, the leader of the Dwarves who chose exile when the First Nation fell; he led his people to the West, where they eventually founded Thradzul. Some scholars dispute this, claiming that while records in the East support Baldur's having opposed the king, there is no evidence that he actually led much of the migration. Indeed, the long years of wandering make it seem unlikely that he even survived to Thradzul. It is possible that the leader of his clan took on his name for the duration of their exile, or that the Everast clan fell out of power and only regained it with the founding of a new homeland. Whatever the truth, the Everast clan rules Thradzul to this day.
Thoric Ironheart - The near-legendary first king of the Second Nation of the Eastern Dwarves, he led those dwarves who desired to remain in the East in search of a new homeland. Although he saw little more than Angkaer's founding, he is justly famed for having led his people through one of their darkest times.
Thorin Ironheart - The son of Thoric, and the Second King of the Second Nation; more is known of his rule, for Angkaer was truly made a city and homeland under his rule.
Akment - An ancient wizard who apparently fled Rhe during the Great War. He established a small empire on the south coast of the Enclosed Sea, which lasted only until his disappearance. Legends say that he has since periodically reappeared and once again taken up rule of this area. In 562 CY, Zentir (at this same site) came under the control of an individual calling himself Akment. It is not clear if this is the same wizard, or someone else using the name. The original Akment was associated with Khelenox and Uriel.
Khelenox - An ancient Rheen necromancer who is believed to have deserted or been exiled from Rhe during the Great War. He apparently began controlling the tribes of the middle Rymdaryn valley, until these were destroyed in the Bitter Wars, leaving the Grave-Conquered Lands. Recently, Khelenox revealed an army of undead and began to conquer the East (the Cold War), but was defeated by Daryn's Companions, a band foretold by the ancient Yarrins.
Uriel - A mysterious Rheen wizard, a contemporary of Akment and Khelenox, his name was until recently all but forgotten. During the Cold War, Daryn's Companions made contact with him in an attempt to learn more about their foe. Although they are somewhat reticent when discussing him, it is apparent that he rules the Closed Land, and has done so since he left Rhe.
Roland eNoreas - Crowned BladeLord of Relnin. This Sword also serves as a Marshal of Relnin, and is acknowledged as one of the foremost military minds of the modern day.