
Psionic Abilities
All psionic abilities beyond the most basic are divided into disciplines. There are 8: Telepathy, Empathy, Domination, Dreamwalking, Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, and Psychoportation. Each discipline is also a focused skill, with Mental Focus as the base skill. In addition, each discipline has a higher level skill, known as a science.

Psionic Potential and Gifted Characters
Psionic potential is a measure of what areas a character is talented in; that is, what disciplines he may develop. As an advantage, Psionic Potential always allows a character to learn the Mental Focus skill. A full-blooded Yarrin with psionics in his ancestry may purchase base Potential for 2 points; half-blooded or less distinguished ancestry must pay 4 points; and non-Yarrins must spend 6. This level of Psionic Potential gives the character access to Mental Focus and 1 Discipline. Each additional discipline requires the expenditure of half the base cost. That is, each additional discipline will cost a full-blooded character 1, a half-blooded character 2, and a non-blooded character 3.

In addition to having psionic potential, characters may be psionically gifted. A gifted character has the inborn, untrained ability to use a particular discipline, but lacks the ability to improve. Basically, such a character cannot advance beyond Novice in that discipline. If a character has both a Gift and Potential in a discipline, it is treated as a specialty skill.

Mental Focus
This is the base skill for psionics. Characters must possess this skill before taking any other psionics skill, except as a Gift.









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