Rhean Skills

Skill Classes
Skills are divided into classes, such as Craft, Melee, and Defense; these divisions are mostly used for obtaining and improving the skills.

Languages as Skills
Languages are considered skills; specifically, languages are Knowledge skills. Languages have both rank and level, as do other skills; however, they will often be gained at character creation, with specific values for each. Each rank indicates greater knowledge, familiarity, and sophistication with the language, while level indicates ease of use and relative fluency. Novice rank indicates very simple, "bumpkin" talk and a lack of familiarity with dialects, uncommon vocabulary, and unusual constructions; Apprentice is common for less educated folk; Journeyman rank is common among those educated in the language, and allows recognition of at least common dialects; amd so on. A character's native (spoken) language is always a specialty skill for him. Languages cannot be used untrained. Certain languages are very closely related. Characters skilled in one of these languages can communicate in the other, albeit at lesser ability. For example, High Elvish is quite similar to Grey Elvish, so if you know High Elvish, you have an effective skill in Grey Elvish 1 rank and 2 levels lower.Languages and Homelands have more information about this.

Knowledge Skills
Many skills, particularly those in the Knowledge class, potentially include a great deal of information, more than even a grandmaster would be expected to know. In addition, many skills are regionally based; if you know all the plant types in your homeland, you still do not know all the plants that there are in the world. When skills of this sort are first purchased, the character must specify the specialty it applies to, as applicable; not all Knowledge Skills work this way. At each new rank, the character may add new specialties equal to the numerical rank he has achieved. For example, a student of Heraldry may add 3 nations to his total known when he reaches Journeyman. Specialties can include such things as uses, availibility, regions, care, preparation, etc, depending on the skill. A narrow specialty (such as medicinal plants of Lindon) lowers the TN for rolls within that specialty, but obviously more checks will fall outside of the character's knowledge. Some skills vary from this; follow the skill description if so. For some characters, this may still not be enough knowledge in their field. Most people at this point rely on books or other experts. However, it is possible for a character to effectively double up on the skill, purchasing it again to pick up more regions. In this case, the cost is reduced by one (minimum 1) and the character obviously has much easier training requirements until both skills are the same rank and level. Certain skills, particularly those associated with magic, do not allow this and instead have a separate skill to cover additional knowledge. As the character gains rank in these skills, he does not necessarily automatically gain the additional knowledge. He must have some exposure to it; this may be a requirement for the rank, even. If this source is a book or instructor, the character must succeed at using their skill against a comprehension target number, normally given with the tome. The information may also need to be translated first, requiring a check with the appropriate language. Volumes of knowledge may have listed translation requirements. They may also automatically bestow some additional benefit upon the PC once he succeeds at his comprehension roll; this is particularly true for magical tomes.

Skill Ranks
The level of training in a skill is expressed in two ways: rank and level. Rank is a measure of the character's capabilities with that skill and determines what he is able to do with it. Ranks are cumulative; you can always perform all the actions allowed by lower ranks. There are 5 ranks: Novice, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Grandmaster. Note that while these titles are actually used in the game world in some areas, they are not really titles the PC possesses. For example, a PC possessing grandmaster rank in the sword may simply be thought of as a mighty warrior, if he does not belong to an army or other organization with titles; and even if he did, he might be a knight, a captain, or a Blademaster, but he would probably not be called grandmaster.

Skill Levels
Levels are a measure of the character's ability in what he knows. Levels add directly to a character's skill rolls, so they determine how successful he is likely to be. As a character gains rank, he will also be required to rise in level. optional: However, he does not instantly gain mastery with his new knowledge. Instead, any action he attempts that is only allowed due to his new rank is at half his previous level. For example, Alethor advances from Journeyman to Master in Archery. He was at level 6 as a Journeyman, and continues to perfom actions allowed by Journeyman or lower rank at level 6. Any action requiring Master rank, however, is at level 3 (and, of course, he is now eligible to attempt Grandmaster actions at level 1). This continues until the PC spends experience to buy back his old rank. The experience page has more information on how to do this and how much it costs.

Specialty Skills
During character creation each PC may select several specialty skills. These skills come easily, naturally, to the character due to long familiarity and practice, as well as perhaps a native bent. Therefore, the character receives certain benefits in purchasing and improving these skills:

Focused Skills and Styles
Many skills have a more focused version which is specific to a particular area, culture, or organization. In combat skills this is often called a Style. For example, the Yarrins developed Blademaster styles, which are skills used when fighting with a sword. They require knowledge of the basic Blade skill for the weapon as well. For focused skills, the required skill must be possessed (i.e. have rank and level) before the focus can be advanced, and the focused skill may be no more than one rank higher than the base skill.

Skill Lists
Notes: Restrictions are the requirements for obtaining a skill. Unless otherwise noted, a restricted skill cannot be used untrained. "Source" means that there must be an explanation for how the character has this knowledge, as it is lost or rare. Note that any rank requirements must be met prior to that rank being purchased; this includes Novice. However, this does not limit untrained use. Attribute refers to the most common attribute used with this skill; it is possible to use others.
Please see Combat Skills for most skills involved in a physical (i.e. non-magical) fight. Some skills may be in both lists, for easy reference or because of multiple uses for the skill.

Acrobatics class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: Agility (rank +1) or higher attribute: Agility

Alchemy class: Knowledge restrictions: Source cost: 3 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
note: this is the skill of creating potions and other magical compounds.

Animal Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Animal Training class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Anticratic Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source, special attribute: Intelligence

Appraise class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Perception

Arcane Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
notes: Arcane Lore is used in comprehending magical texts; also in recognizing magical effects. It may help determine how to use a particular device.

Architecture class: Craft restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Armor, Heavy class: Defense restrictions: Armor, Medium cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical

Armor, Light class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical

Armor, Medium class: Defense restrictions: Armor, Light cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical

Armorer class: Craft restrictions: Blacksmith, Leatherworking cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence
see Crafting in Rhean for more information

Bardic Music class: Art restrictions: Singing or Instrument, source cost: 2 rank: equal or higher rank in Singing or Instrument attribute: Presence
please see Magic Out of Music.

Barter class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence

Blacksmith class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Strength
see Crafting in Rhean for more information

Brawling class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is the skill of wild fighting, either unarmed or with whatever is at hand. It is, in other words, bar-room brawling.

Chirurgy class: Hand restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Intelligence
see also Damage and Recovery

Climbing class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: must attempt a climb of the next higher rank attribute: Agility

Concentration class: Self restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: source/ origin attribute: Will
see Magic System for more information

Conjuring class: Knowledge restrictions: Arcane Lore cost: 2 rank: source/ origin attribute: various mental
special: see Magic System

Cooking class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence, Dexterity, Perception

Crossbow class: Missle restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity

Demonology class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Diplomacy class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence

Disguise class: Hand restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Presence, Perception

Divining class: Self restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Dragon Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source, must encounter dragon attribute: Presence, Intelligence

Driving class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence, Agility, Will
note: the skill of controlling carriages, chariots, wagons, etc.

Elemental Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: must explore a deeper mystery or purer form of the element. attribute: various
note: there are actually at least four of these skills, one for each element. Each must be taken individually.

Endurance class: Athletic Restrictions: none Cost: 1 Rank: Constitution (rank + 1) or higher. Attribute: Constitution

Engineering class: Craft restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Etiquette class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: must encounter a different culture/ standard for each rank. Presence (rank +1) or higher. attribute: Presence

Evade class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: Agility (rank +1) or higher attribute: Agility

Farming class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence, Constitution

Fishing class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence, Agility

Fisticuffs class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is boxing, pugilism, the "sweet science" - Rhean version.

Fletching class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Dexterity

Forgery class: Hand restrictions: literate cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Perception/ Dexterity

Guile class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence
note: this is the skill of lying, confidence scams, and bluffing.

Heraldry class: Social restrictions: source cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Herbalism class: Knowledge restrictions: Plant Lore cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
note: this is the skill of using plants for medicines and other compounds. More general plant knowledge falls under Plant Lore.

Hide class: Stealth restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility

Hunting class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Perception, Agility

Instrument class: Artisan restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: as Singing attribute: Dexterity

Intimidation class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence

Intrigue class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence, Intelligence
note: this is the skill of gossip, innuendo, plots, diversions, and political scheming.

Jumping class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Strength/ Agility

Leadership class: Social restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: must command/ lead attribute: Presence

Leatherworking class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
see Crafting in Rhean for more information

Legend Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
notes: Legend Lore is the study of myths and legends, especially the more magical or fantastic. It involves rarer knowledge than History; a particular story may be remembered, but this skill fills in details or explains underlying causes and effects. It may help determine what a particular device is and its history. This skill must be specified as is normal for Knowledge skills; i.e. by area, race, or other feature.

Legerdemain class: Hand restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: Dexterity (rank +2) or higher attribute: Dexterity

Local Knowledge class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: spend time in area attribute: Intelligence

Lock Picking class: Hand restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: Dexterity (rank +1) or higher attribute: Dexterity

Masonry class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute:

Menial Tasks class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: any
note: this skill involves a number of household and domestic tasks; virtually anything that fits this description and is not covered by another skill can be governed by this.

Mental Focus class: Self restrictions: Psionic Potential or Gifted advantage cost: 2 rank: source, Potential attribute: various mental

Metal Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Metalworking class: Art or Craft restrictions: Blacksmithing cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence, Intelligence, Dexterity
note: this is the skill used for decorative metal work, i.e. filigees and inlays and such.

Mining class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Strength, Intelligence

Navigation class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
note: this is the lore of the Navigators and is thus fiercely protected. Sailing skill covers less exact and more common navigational ability.

Oratory class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Presence

Plant Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Poetry class: Art restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Pottery class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Dexterity

Prayers class: Knowledge restrictions: Religion, source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence, others
note: you must select a specific deity or religion

Religion class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
note: you must select a specific deity or religion

Riding class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Agility
see also Mounted Combat

Rope Use class: Hand restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Dexterity

Rune Knowledge class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence
note: please see Runic Magic for more information.

Rune Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Intelligence, Dexterity
note: please see Runic Magic for more information.

Running class:Athletic Restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class, Constitution (Rank +1) or higher attribute: Constitution

Sailing class: Labor restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical

Sea Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Seduction class: Social restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Presence

Shield class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: none attribute: Agility

Singing class: Art restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: must learn new and more difficult or rarer songs. attribute: Presence

Sneak class: Stealth restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility

Sorcery class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 2 rank: source attribute: Will
note: please see Magic System for more information. This is life magic for the most part.

Spirit Manifestation class: Self restrictions: Spirit Sensitive cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Will or Presence

Spirit Sense class: Self restrictions: Spirit Sensitive Advantage cost: 1 rank: must be exposed to a new type of spiritual force. attribute: Will or Perception

Stone Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Survival class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Swimming class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Agility

Throwing class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Agility

Tracking class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Perception

Trapping class: Wilderness restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Intelligence

Two-Weapon Fighting class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
special: for anything done with the off-hand, the lower level skill, the weapon or Two-Weapon Fighting, is used; likewise, no special ability can be used which is of higher rank than Two-Weapon Fighting.

Weaponsmithing class: Craft restrictions: Blacksmith cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength, Intelligence
see Crafting in Rhean for more information

Weather Lore class: Knowledge restrictions: source cost: 1 rank: source attribute: Intelligence

Weaving class: Craft restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Dexterity

Wrestling class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility

Characters Table of Contents Focused Skills