For the most part, information given for the original Rhean system (here) on the various races is still valid, although it must be seen in the context of the new background for the world. Obviously, any game effects are different for the new system, although the idea should be similar, i.e. dwarves were strong and hardy before; you should not fear that they will be any less in the new system. That said, let us examine some of the differences for each race. The name for each race is linked with the original system document.
Dwarves are strong and hardy, and are deeply connected to the physical world; they have more elemental make-up than they do spiritual or mental. Dwarves receive a +1 to strength and a +2 to Constitution. However, they must subtract 1 from Agility, Dexterity and Presence. All Dwarves may select one Craft skill as a specialty skill, or may take an Armor skill, Endurance, or Stone Lore as a specialty instead. All dwarves possess the Low-Light Vision, Resistance(disease), Resistance(mind affecting), Resistance(poison), Resistance(fire/heat), Resistance(ice/cold), Hardy, and Untiring advantages. The racial modifier to Movement is +2. Dwarves are size M creatures.
Dwarves are found throughout the northern reaches of Rhean, where they tend to congregate in or near great cities. In the East, the dwarves had their great Second Nation, which was lost; the remnants of its people fled to its outposts, the Ironholts (North, South, East and West), and also to Zuln, in the Highforge mountains (now part of Lindon). There are many communities of dwarves from the areas outside of these cities; characters from these may be considered as having the closest city for a homeland. In the West, the largest dwarven community is found at Thradzul, in the Grey Hills. Besides this, there are also dwarf-holds in the Guardwall mountains near Simea and to the south, in Kinien and near Blackguard. These do not boast large populations, however.
Dwarves use both an individual name and a clan name. Dwarves take great pride in their families, so they generally translate these for the benefit of other races. For this reason, humans tend to know dwarves as Axemasters, Greystones, and so on. Some dwarves do not follow this practice, either because they look down on other races or because their name does not translate well. In addition to these names, many dwarves add epithets to their names, based upon equipment or deeds.
Example Male Names: Haggar, Borin, Angus, Rurik, Thoric, Baldur, Kaan, Armaan, Dheric, Kharic, Dannik.
Example Female Names:
Example Clan Names: Ironheart, Axmaster, Silvershield, Greystone, Reghen, Belegost, Modsognor, Oakenshield, Stonehelm, Nogrod, Kharas, Derkin, Dawnhammer.
Elves are very spiritual beings, but are still born of this world. All elves possess Keen Senses(all), Spirit Sensitive, Resistance(disease), Resistance(mind affecting), Resistance(paralysis), and Light Sleeper. The racial Movement modifier for all elves is +6. Elves are size M. Elves vary slightly in other ways among their subraces, as follows:
In general, elves are a graceful, beautiful people who value the natural world, art, and friends and family. Elvish attitudes are often difficult to understand for other, shorter-lived, peoples, as their long life-spans ensure that elves are less concerned with the short term. Many events that seem important to humans seem petty and brief to elves; at the same time, man is often unaware of the long-term consequences of his actions, and so does not understand why an elf might be concerned by those actions. These attitudes are reflected in elvish ideas about materials and structures. For the most part, elves show little concern for what they use: a rope will serve as a bridge, a simple platform in a tree for a home. After all, most things humans build last for only a fraction of an elf's lifespan. When elves do build, they attempt to create something truly lasting. This is one reason why elves use so many living plants in their structures; properly cared for, the great trees the elves cultivate live for millenia. Elvish attitudes on places and peoples follow this as well; elves do not grow attached to any place they have known for only a few seasons or years, but those few locations that have been part of elvish history are fiercely protected, especially by the Anoravalë. The long life-spans of the elves affects other aspects of their lives. Elves often desire solitude, and respect the desire for both time alone and privacy in others. Elves revere their elders, and are generally respectful even to the elders of other races. By the same token, elves appreciate anything that has existed for a long period, and often will stand, lost in memory, when visiting an old ruin, or upon hearing a song, hundreds of years old, that they first heard newly written.
Elves love art of many types, and have a keen appreciation of beauty, subtlety, and wit. They love music and poetry. They eat sparingly, but love good food and wine; all elvish wines age well, and are often best after a hundred years or so. Elvish architecture is built to last and is most often inspired by natural forms, when it does not simply incorporate nature into its plan. Elves do work with metal, although they do not really care for iron or steel; they like copper and silver and have some unusual alloys involving these metals. Mithril they revere and treasure, when they can get it. Many elvish communities do not work metals themselves but instead trade with men or dwarves for metal tools. Otherwise, elves are perfectly satisfied with tools and weapons of wood or stone, and have some clever ways of making these.
Elves are widespread, although they have never been numerous. The largest concentration of elves in Rhean lives in Daresh, the great woodland nation of north-central Rhean. All of the sub-races are represented here, although the most numerous by far are the Ithilvalë. The highest concentration of Sindavalë can be found in Lindon, where they have their Ship-Havens; there are also many Grey Elves in Daresh. Silvavalë can be found in Lindon, especially in Silavi; there are also some in the Alaron Forest. The closest the wood-elves come to a nation is Salloyyn in the northern Aloen Forest, near Simea. They are spread throughout the West in small communities, however, in forests such as the Moon Woods. The Morivalë are always difficult to find, but it is known that there are many in the Alaron, and at least small bands in the other deep forests of the East. Finally, the Anoravalë can be found wherever other elves dwell, in the Vale-Woods (Dualrië), in the Valley of the Rhyme, and in the Moonwoods.
Elves most commonly use only a single name, although they do keep track of family relationships and may have a second name relating to this. Such names may be based upon a particular ancestor, a dwelling place, common history, or duty within the nation. These are somewhat more fluid than in other races. In addition, elves often take on an epithet for use in the wider world, a way of distinguishing them from others of similar name, or to be used when they wish to conceal their real names. In many cases, an individual will only use this name, as it reflects something personal. For example, an elf who has been renowned for prowess in battle may go by the name Risril, "cutting brilliance". The following names can be used as both proper and adopted names.
Example Male Names
Gnomes feel a deep connection to living things, due to their high spirit. They love craft and art, as well as humor and the pleasures of life. Gnomes add 1 to Agility and Intelligence, but must subtract 1 from Strength and Perception. Gnomes receive the advantages Spirit Sensitive, Keen Senses (smell and hearing), and Resistance (Illusions) for free. All Gnomes have a +2 racial modifier to Movement. Gnomes are size S. All gnomes may select an Art, Craft, or Wilderness skill and an appropriate Lore or Self skill as specialties (talk to your GM). If a gnome chooses, he may take Spirit Manifestation as this specialty, and then use his first specialty slot on Illusion.
Halflings enjoy a simple, rural lifestyle for the most part, although they have often been unsettled and nomadic in the past. Halflings have the advantages Resistance(poison) and Talented (Hide and Sneak) All Halflings receive a +2 Movement modifier. Halflings are size S. Halflings are divided into three subraces, as follows:
Humans seem almost paradoxical: they embody the balance of the world, and yet this seems to allow them the greatest choice in the paths of their lives. While there are many varieties of Men, only a few have retained enough purity of their lines to merit differences in character creation. All Men receive a +4 racial Movement modfier. Humans are size M.
Mixed Races
Some of the races presented here are able to interbreed, producing halfbreeds. Perhaps due to their position at the balance, humans seem particularly able to form these crosses. Among the major races, humans have successfully produced crosses with both elves and dwarves. Both half-elves and half-dwarves are available for play:
Trait Rules by Race
Note that for all races, the lowest trait cannot be less than 50% of the middle trait, which cannot be less than 50% of the highest trait.
The Major Trait, Surmised Origin, and Modern (CY 565) Distribution of Each Race.
Table Notes: The races covered are those which both arose naturally, without influence from other powers; and also which use language and tools. The major trait for each is the force which is most represented in their make-up. 'Balance' refers to no trait being predominate. The number of pluses refers to the degree of shift from balanced for that trait.