Acquise is a land on the far eastern coast of Rhean. Its people are basically of Norrald stock, with admixture from the nomadic cultures fo the southeast. It seems likely that this area also had some Rheen contact in the distant past; certainly its religion and language shows the mark of this influence. Culturally, the east coast, including Acquise, Lariane, Toquisa, and Meredar and its associated city-states, is distinct from the Norheim nations and from the nomads. These people tend to be religious and tradition-bound, and are often superstitious.
Acquise is unusual in that it is always ruled by a queen. The position is passed from mother to daughter, or, if the queen dies without a daughter, to the closest female relative, preferably someone who can found a new line. It does not ever pass to, for example, a daughter-in-law. The queen is more than the ruler of Acquise; she is also the spiritual head and symbolic mother of the land and people. She is the Sun Queen, the daughter of Xeres and Ellia, the Sun, the First Queen.
Allinis was originally a district of Allitoi, the northern border and defense of that land. The land has a rough feel; most other Allitoian nations consider it only a step removed from the barbarians to north and west. At the same time, the Allinians are known as strong fighters; their cavalry is particularly renowned due to their ties with these barbarians. Allinians have a reputation for bluntness and stubborness. They preserve some of the older aspects of Allitoian culture, such as courtly dances.
Altarch was originally a fief of Allitoi, ruled by a military governor appointed by the king. The strength of the fief was concentrated in the great fortresses of Altarch (now the city of the same name, which is the capital) and Desois (now Freeport). As Allitoi conquered more of the south, the civilian population began to grow, and the governor found himself the head of an actual government, with town councils under him. When the kingdom collapsed, the governor maintained control, and Altarch nation was born. As he grew older, he decided to appoint his own successor, as there was no longer a king to do so. He made sure the various town councils and other power groups in the land would support the new governor first, in an attempt to keep the nation strong; however he made sure the governor was one of his officers.
Government and Military
Altarch's government is still structured as it began. A governor, who is always someone with military experience, is selected by the outgoing governor and ratified by a council composed of representatives of the various town and city governments within Altarch, as well as certain priesthoods and guilds. The governor is also the commander-in-chief of the military, although he normally retains or appoints generals to actually train and command the nation's army and navy. Altarch has always been a military power, and supplies many of the troops for Blackguard. Altarch has famed engineers, and many rulers looking to build a strong castle, or defeat one, come here.
Blackguard was founded in CY 383 as a fortress barring Black Pass, the largest and easiest traveled way over the Blackwall. Within a hundred years, Blackguard had grown into a city and was also the center of the Black Guard. It rapidly established itself as a free and independent city, although embassies from each of the founding nations remain in the city and still hold a certain amount of power. Although the region does produce some valuable minerals, it also receives aid from these nations to allow it to fulfill its original mission. The city is a hotbed of politics, diplomacy, and espionage.
DELLAST (City-State)
Dellast was originally a provincial capital of Simea. The city and surrounding territory have been heavily fought over, first when Allitoi seceeded from Simea, and later as the Kingdom broke apart. While this competition helped Dellast establish its independence, it also left much of the territory depopulated. Dellast is slowly growing again, but has little real power outside of the city; beyond a few towns, the countryside has largely returned to wilderness. In addition, Dellast faces the challenge of losing much of its mining income; most established mines have been played out. There are many ruins and abandoned mines in Dellast, and some have attracted unsavory occupants.
DESTEND (City-State)
Destend is a free city which is situated at the sea end of a pass through the Great Wall Mountains at the eastern end of the Enclosed Sea. The city is some 300 miles north of Haven, in Lindon, which is its major economic rival. Destend was founded in Common Year (CY) 1 by Allitoian traders from the west who desired a safe port at this end of the sea. Not wanting to have to pay Lindon tariffs, they chose the sheltered bay at the base of a pass to Tyshen. Many young merchants and scions of wealthy gentry established secure holds here, and Destend grew into a city, declaring itself a free port in CY 36 and a free city in CY 82. Since its founding Destend has been ruled by a council composed of the most influential citizens. In CY 154 a priest of Nemesis, who was a council member, called fire down on the council and seized power in the city. By CY 156 open battles were occuring in the city, and eventually the priest and his followers were defeated. Since then, worship of Nemesis has been banned, although it is known that his followers can still be found in the city. For some time the ruling body has been the Council of Nine. Every two years, three of the positions come up for renewal or replacement. Seats are selected by
a consortium of property owners, with guilds, gangs, and other organizations able to wield great influence in these selections. All candidates must be approved by the other six council members. Non-citizens (including all non-humans) can own property, but cannot vote or serve in any official position. Women are treated as equals--Destend values success and prosperity over any other standards. Destend has always been a refuge for smugglers and less-than-honest men, and has several criminal organizations, known as Triads. These Triads each control an area of the city; they generally respect each
others' territories, but street battles and raids sometimes occur. Recently (566 CY), Destend was occupied by the lich-lord Khelenox, who used its resources to fuel his war effort. The city was apparently betrayed to him by a then-member of the Council of Nine, Lantessa Eveningstar. With the defeat of Khelenox, she has disappeared from the city, possibly fleeing to Kanentral in the west. There is a reward for her capture and return to the city.
FREEPORT (City-State)
Freeport is a contested city; both Altarch and Kartul claim it, and have done so since they became independent nations. In reality, the city is largely independent. Freeport charges small tariffs , but otherwise does not control trade, and it offers a good natural harbor, both of which are rare in the Sea of Allitoi. Because of this, the city sees a high volume of ship traffic, particularly those ships that have questionable cargoes, or who trade with Draknia.
Gartae is a wealthy, economically powerful nation that occupies the peninsula south of the Aloen Forest. Originally a frontier area of Allitoi, the land received most of its income from trade with the dwarves and elves to the north. As the Allitoians spread down the Enclosed Sea and made contact with the Yarrin nations to the east, Gartae became incredibly important and wealthy. The lack of a need for military strength left nobles with little power beyond their lands, and Gartae quickly became a land ruled by merchants. These merchants moved to solidify their power and created the system of guilds, which now control virtually everything in the cities and towns of the nation. Anyone wishing to earn money in such areas must belong to the appropriate guild, or have a dealer who is a member. Farmers and foresters, and others who work in the countryside, are ruled by a particular noble and are not subject to guild law, but they cannot directly sell their produce in town; it must be sold through a broker, who must be a member of the Merchants' Guild. All of the guilds of Gartae have a particular set of colors, which must be worn as stripes on clothing while the individual is practicing his trade. Not doing so, or impersonating a guildsman, is a severe crime. Foreigners must sell goods through the Merchants' Guild, or may obtain visiting memberships in the appropriate guild. Not even priests are exempted from these laws; there is a Common Temple of Priests and Holymen that represents all such in areas where guild law applies. Only deities represented in the Common Temple may be worshipped in areas governed by guild law. 'Worshipped' can include simply referring to the deity, and always includes any invocation or prayer (magical or not) of that deity. Nobles, and their representatives, also have personal colors and crests, and must wear these to do business with any guildsmen.
KANENTRAL (City-State)
Kanentral was originally merely a safe place for ships sailing the
length of the Enclosed Sea to tie up and take on fresh water supplies.
As trade became more common, a small community grew up here. The lawless frontier enviroment and the port's strategic location quickly attracted pirates and smugglers in great numbers. Under the influence of certain very wealthy ship captains and smugglers, the fledgling community set up a government based upon rule by those who could enforce their laws through military or economic power. The city remained a haven for criminal elements, although peace was forcibly
maintained. As other outcasts and petty warlords sought to make a place for themselves in the wild lands south of the city, Kanentral found itself taking a leading role in maintaining stability in the region. As the area became more settled, it became clear that any of a number of communities could plunge the entire region into war and that one city could no longer be responsible for keeping the peace.
Therefore, the various warlords, bandit kings, and other rulers met and signed the LoKopf Pact. This arrangement promised retaliation from all members should any one of them attack another. Kanentral has been one of the strongest proponents of this agreement since its inception. The city is no longer merely a stronghold of pirates, but also produces many dyes and finished cloth products. Still, many pirates find a safe port here, which causes many nations to ban trade with the city.
LastLand is a primarily Allitoian nation on the southern coast of western Rhean. It is positioned between the Blackwall to the west, the Vast Swamp to the east, the Steel and Black Rivers to the north, and the coast to the south. When the Kingdom of Allitoi was at its height, this area was sparsely settled, having only a few indigenous tribes; little was known about the southern islands, and there was very little sea trade, so it truly seemed to be the "last land" before the emptiness of the water. Following the dissolution of the Kingdom, many people fled south away from the squabbling governors and petty warlords, and founded a secure nation here. These people were in danger from the remaining barbarians and the dangerous creatures of the, until a division of the former Allitoian army, accompanied by several war-wizards, offered to settle in the area after being routed by Draknian troops near the Black Pass. These forces were able to regroup and free the Tharn Isles (now the War Isles) where the most distant Allitoian outpost had been holding out against both Draknian and LastLand annexation. These forces formally surrendered to LastLand in AY 397, and LastLand was officially founded. Soon after, a unified Allitoian force from Altarch, Kartul, LastLand, GoodLund, and Sentia defeated Draknia at the Battle of Blackford, and drove them back over the mountains. Following this, the five nations signed a treaty of mutual defense, and created the citadel of Blackguard to defend the pass. Blackguard also allowed exploitation of the mineral wealth of the mountains. Stymied in the mountains, Draknia once again attacked at sea, and reconquered a portion of the War Isles, driving almost to Crossover. The Draknian fleet in the War Reach was defeated by LastLand, with the aid of Sentian ships, and the troops at Crossover were reinforced and drove the Draknians into the sea. After a long and bloody campaign LastLand was able to retake the middle island, although Draknia has since retaken its western spur. In AY 571 (CY 483), Blackguard became an independent city, following the near loss of the city to Draknia due to squabbling between members of the League as to its administration. Naturally, each of the member states retained an advisory position in Blackguard's government. Today, things are much the same in LastLand. The war has largely stalled; Draknia still attempts to take the isles from time to time, but neither it nor LastLand or its allies can actually take and hold much territory beyond the established boundries.
Government and Military
LastLand is ruled by a council of lords, made up of various military, religious, and community leaders. Half of these positions are hereditary, and half are appointed. Every five years, one of these lords is appointed to be High Lord and wield executive power. The capital is Capepoint; the largest city is Valen. The current High Lord (CY 565) is Tollis of Valen. LastLand's military is centrally organized, although there are several commands throughout the country. Nobles and lords in LastLand may only command the military if they are given the appropriate rank, and even in this case must earn the respect of the soldiers. Some of the more prominent commands include: Supreme Command at Capepoint; the Admiralty in Capepoint, which has high command over the Navy, and direct command over the Reach Fleet; the Black Coast Fleet Command in Valen; the Isle Fleet and War College in Courage; the Isle Army Command at the Citadel; and the Reserve Army command at Crossover. LastLand employs a number of mercenaries when needed, but must, of course, be on guard against treason. For this reason, foreigners are required to register as they enter the nation or its cities, and any armed groups must present themselves to an officer of the military at one of the above commands. Failure to do so is a criminal offense.
The Allitoian people have always had a greater tolerance for magic than most humans, provided it is useful and obvious. Magics that control or corrupt men they do not like, and they distrust faerie magic. Elementalists are therefore fairly welcome in Allitoian lands, and this is particularly true in LastLand, where they have proven their value many times to sailors and soldiers alike. Capepoint actually holds one of the few open organizations of wizards in Rhean, a Wizards' Guild. Wizards are required to be at least registered with this guild, and any seeking permanent residency or citizenship must join. The Guild supplies many wizards to the army and navy, and has an office at most of the military commands and fortresses. Most wizards in LastLand do not mind their restrictions overly much; the tales of lands that are much more repressive are well known.
Lindon was founded as a nation in the Yarrin Year (YY) 305 when
humans fleeing the war to the south encountered the elves and dwarves who dwelt in the area that the elves called Avea'lindor--that area between the Rymdaryn in the north and the Tomorrow Hills in the south, at the far eastern end of the Enclosed Sea. The elves had arrived 500 years before and made peace with the dwarves of Zuln, in the Highforge mountains. The dwarves were themselves refugees, having settled the area some 2000 years before (dwarves have long memories). This shared experience, as well as the common enemy the three races found in the indigenous goblins, helped these three races forge a lasting peace that was then organized into the state of Lindon. Its capital was named Haven, and is located at Rymdaryn-mouth. Although there is a single head-of-state, the country is divided into districts, each with a local lord. In this way, the various demi-human races (including gnomes and halflings as well as dwarves and elves) can maintain some autonomy
in their own communities. The head-of-state is by tradition the lord of Haven, which has been the head of the eRymdryl family since the city was founded. Haven is today renowned as a tolerant, educated city, a center of culture and art. It boasts a large university and library, which attract large numbers of sages, psionicists, priests, and other learned individuals to the city.
As stated above, Lindon is organized into districts, each of which has its own lord. These lords meet in a congress, the Council of Lords. These lordships are normally passed from one lord to his or her named heir. However, the Council of Lords must ratify any new lord, and they have the ability to remove a sitting lord. It is not very often that this is done, or that an heir is not ratified; the longer-lived races, in particular, favor an orderly succession. Lordships may also be given out on a merit basis, allowing vacant or newly-created districts to receive capable lords. There are two types of lordships: townships and districts. In addition, some towns do not have a lord; rather, they have elected mayors, who have advisory (non-voting) seats on the Council.
Haven Hills
Haven lies at the mouth of the Rymdaryn River, where it spills out into the Gulf of Lindon. While the northern part of the river has lower, swampier ground, the southern side is bounded by rocky hills; Haven itself is built upon this solid bedrock. The hills stretch south along the coast for several miles, and, while they are not particularly high, they are quite rugged and have many hidden valleys. The elves selected these hills as the site of their havens in this new land and inhabit them in fair number to this day. Their actual ship-havens, the Nenyarië, lie in a steep-walled valley that is nearly closed by a cape and a few small islands, all of which have sheer cliffs falling to the sea. Scattered throughout the hills are other small elvish communities, where they have their crafts and agriculture; the wine that comes from this area is renowned. Further south, on the inland side of the hills, the area is less rugged, and the relatively gentle slopes that roll to the plain are known as the Horse Runs. Overlooking these are a number of dwarf-houses; while the dwarves do not take much from the earth here, they do maintain much trade with elves and men; in fact, the road that lies below the Horse Runs is known as the Dwarven Road, and in this area is largely maintained through their efforts.
The Neutral Territories are not a nation at all; rather, they are a number of small communities situated in central Simeas. Allitoian in origin, these towns and cities were ruled first by Simea and then were incorporated into the Kingdom of Allitoi. As the remnants of the kingdom were consolidated in the south and the north recovered from war, the area now called the Neutral Territories was forced to govern itself, and has since been able to retain that independence due to its neighbors' desire to maintain the current balance of power. The Territories have formed a council, to address common internal and external concerns. The council meets in Lastmoon, one of three relatively large cities in the region, the others being Edgewood and Stoutwall. Other communities include Borradine, Censul, Jasper, Xerean, and Toulias. The Moon Woods occupies a substantial portion of the Territories, and limits growth in the area, as it is said to be protected by the god Xeres. It is known that there are some Silvan elves dwelling within the wood, and possibly some others as well. Other demi-humans include a number of halflings (mostly Stouts) and some gnomes.
Simea is the oldest human state in the West. The Simeans have a strong sense of national identity, a militaristic outlook, and had good mining, metal-working, and stone-building skills (possibly learned from the dwarves of Thradzul, with whom they have always had good relations). These factors allowed the fledging nation to conquer nearly all of the lands north of the Gulf of Allitoi and west of the Aloen; these lands are called 'Simeas' to this day (literally, the "land owned by Simea"). Both the scattered indigenous humans and the Allitoian tribes who were migrating into the area from the east were made subjects of the crown. The Allitoian peoples learned the arts of civilization from the Simeans, and then revolted, driving most of the Simeans north of the mountains and establishing their own kingdom to the south. In time this kingdom crumbled, but Simea was no longer in a position to retake its lost territories; instead, a (mostly) lasting peace was forged and Simea and the Allitoian states began to trade heavily, and to explore to the east. New trade routes were established, first with the dwarves and elves, and eventually with the Relnins. In the process, new lands were founded under the Simean crown: first the East-Land, near Thradzul; more recently, Drenane north of Daresh.
Sinet was originally a province of Simea, with the city of the same name as its capital. Sinet was not conquered Allitoian territory, but was instead of Simean population and culture. When Allitoi revolted, Sinet found itself isolated from Simea, essentially behind enemy lines due to the hills and mountains to the north. An agreement was worked out wherein Sinet would become a free and independent city, but would keep only a fraction of its original territory. Both Simea and Allitoi accepted this arrangement, and the state of Sinet was born. After the destruction of the Allitoian kingdom, Sinet was able to retake its original land, and even a bit more, and has since supported maintaining the Neutral Territories as a buffer against Mulmarnen's ambitions to reform the Kingdom. Sinet still retains something of a 'frontier' feeling, despite its long inhabitation. The area is still largely surrounded by wilderness, and many of its people are hunters, loggers, and miners. While Simean is the most common language, a large number of Allitoians dwell here as well, and most people are bi-lingual. Of course, Common is used as a trade-tongue, as in most places.