Magic Out of Music

Using Music to Accomplish Magic
While there are many non-magical effects music can accomplish - rallying and inspiring troops, making hard work seem easier, etc. - truly magical effects can only be produced by one who is not only musically skilled, but who also has great learning and abilities of concentration and willpower. While many have dabbled in these arts, the Bards of Norheim have taken it to its greatest heights. For anyone to create magic with music, they must possess an appropriate Art skill, as well as anything required for that skill, such as an instrument. Beyond that, they are only limited by their knowledge and ability. The following abilities require a skill such as Bardic Music or Faerie Music:

True Bards
While the word bard has spread and come to be used for many a common minstrel or composer, true bards are only those performers trained in the colleges of the BardLands. They know many songs and ways of music, and they also learn a rare art which allows them to bring magic out of their music. There are several colleges of Bards; each has a slightly different focus and teachings. The colleges cooperate, and may teach students of another college from time to time, but all teaching starts with a particular college. The colleges are: Ollamh, the Master Bards, keepers of secret lore; Filidh, the historians and minders of nobility; Fianna, the warrior-poets; Fochlucan, who sing songs of heroes and kings to inspire all; Canaith, the closest to the Druids; Doss, who study and keep the common law; and Anstruth, who are students of music itself. Each college is a separate focused skill, with the base skill of Bardic Music. Characters must petition a college to be allowed to train in its secrets. Ollamh is beyond even this; it may only be taken after at least one of the other college skills has reached Master rank; even at this point, Ollamh must admit the character. Commonly a student begins to train in a second college prior to this admission.


This skill has the additional restrictions of Plant Lore and 1 other Lore of the natural world.

This skill has the additional restrictions of Oratory and Diplomacy.

This college teaches inspirational music and poetry, and also the composition of on-the-spot poetry and songs that apply to the situation the bard finds himself in. This college typically only accepts valorous, fighting bards. This skill also has a restriction of Poetry. The following abilities are gained with this skill:

This skill also has the restrictions of History and Heraldry.

This colleges teaches epic tales and ballads, the songs and stories of past triumphs and defeats. Likewise, they remember brave warriors and noble kings, and often compose epitaphs for fallen heroes. This skill also has the restrictions of History and Legend Lore.


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