Rhean Combat Skills
Combat Skills
Combat skills specifically include Melee, Missle, Defense, and some other skills; in particular, certain Athletic, Self, and other skills may be listed both here and on the main skills page for convenience and for their likelihood of being used in both combat and non-combat situations.
On Parry Skills
Weapon parry skills are a special case. All weapons have an associated parry skill, which is purchased separately from the attack skill. In all cases, the ability to learn a weapon skill (such as from a path) applies to either the attack or the parry skill. Parry skills, like other unrestricted skills, may be used untrained; in addition, if a character possesses the appropriate attack skill, but not the parry skill, the GM may consider giving a bonus to those unskilled rolls (and vice versa). Finally, a character raising both skills receives a discount on the cost of the lower skill: its Cost is reduced by one (minimum 1).
Archery class: Missle restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: Dexterity (rank + 1) or higher attribute: Dexterity
tricks: Rapid Shot (fire twice in one attack action at -4 to both); Stand and Fire (give up all actions to fire three times); Trick Shooting
- Novice: range at -20%. range penalties -10/-8/-4/-2/0. no called shots. reload=move action.
- Apprentice: range at -10%. range penalties -9/-6/-3/-1/0. called shots at additional -2. reload=move action.
- Journeyman: range at base. range penalties -8/-4/-2/0/+1. called shots normal. reload=move action. choose one trick.
- Master: range at +10%. range penalties -7/-3/-1/0/+1. called shots=+1. reload=free action. choose second trick.
- Grandmaster: range at +20%. range penalties -6/-2/0/+1/+2. called shots=+2. reload=free action. receive third trick.
Armor, Heavy class: Defense restrictions: Armor, Medium cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical
- Novice: character may wear heavy armor. Trained only: add armor's defense to passive defense.
- Apprentice: May use the Armor Block action.
- Journeyman: Character may use the Armor Work action for +2 to Damage Reduction, +1 to Defense.
- Master: Stamina cost of armor reduced by 1.
- Grandmaster: Armor's penalty reduced by 1; Encumberance reduced by 1.
Armor, Light class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical
- Novice: character may wear light armor. Trained only: add armor's defense to passive defense.
- Apprentice: Encumberance and Stamina cost of armor reduced by one.
- Journeyman: character may use the Armor Work action for +1 to Damage Reduction, +1 to Defense.
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Armor, Medium class: Defense restrictions: Armor, Light cost: 1 rank: class attribute: various physical
- Novice: character may wear medium armor. Trained only: add armor's defense to passive defense.
- Apprentice: Encumberance and Stamina cost of armor reduced by 1.
- Journeyman: character may use the Armor Work action for +1 to Damage Reduction, +1 to Defense.
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Axe, Battle class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may use the Reduce Reach action.
- Journeyman: may use the Wide Attack action.
- Master: may use the Hold at Bay action. When using Reduce Reach, all Stamina costs for attacking reduced by one.
- Grandmaster: may use the Sweep Attack action. Stamina costs reduced by 1 for all simple attacks (2 if Reducing Reach).
Axe, Battle: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may Reduce Reach.
- Journeyman: may Bind Weapon. When Reducing Reach, all Stamina costs for defense axe actions reduced by 1.
- Master: may use the Riposte action.
- Grandmaster: all simple Parries have their Stamina cost reduced by 1 (2 if Reducing Reach). Instead of Riposte following a Parry, a Bind or Disarm attempt can be made instead. If so, it receives a +2.
Axe, Great class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may attack with these weapons. After any use of these weapons, a Reset action must be taken prior to using it again.
- Apprentice: character may use the Sweep Attack action.
- Journeyman: may use the Great Strike action.
- Master: character may make a combat move while resetting the axe. Sweep Attacks receive a +2 to knockdown chance.
- Grandmaster: any attack can result in a knockdown. Great Strikes receive a +2 to knockdown chance.
Axe, Great: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Axe, Hand class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may throw these weapons, assuming they are balanced for such.
- Journeyman: characters may freely switch hand axes between their hands. The character may make Dual Strikes with hand axes, even without Two-Weapon Fighting. If the character possesses this ability from that skill, he gains a +1 on rolls.
- Master: Off-hand penalty with hand axes reduced by 1. If the character has a hand axe in each hand, he may make a Spin Attack action. Only one attack is made against each target; the first target is attacked by the primary hand, the second by the off-hand, and so on.
- Grandmaster: once per round a readied hand axe can be thrown without counting as an action.
Axe, Hand: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice: Off-hand penalty with hand axes reduced by 1.
- Journeyman: characters may freely switch hand axes between their hands. May use the Bind Weapon action.
- Master: May attempt a Disarm (defensive). Once per round, with a hand axe in each hand, the character may attempt an off-hand parry while using the primary axe for an attack or parry. Both actions receive a -2, in addition to any off-hand penalties.
- Grandmaster: Whenever the character succeeds in Parrying, Binding, or Disarming with one axe, he may immediately (same phase) make an attack against that opponent with the other axe. This attack has a -2 penalty, in addition to any off-hand penalties.
Blades, Heavy class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
note: this includes broad swords and other one handed, primarily slashing weapons
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Blades, Heavy: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Blades, Light class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
note: this includes rapiers and other light, primarily thrusting swords
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: weapon treated as if it had + rank Durability.
- Journeyman: may use the Critical Strike action.
- Master: may attack twice in one action at -2 to each (one only per round).
- Grandmaster: may attack as part of any other action at -2 to both actions, once per round.
Blades, Light: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Blades, Medium class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may use the Riposte action. May use the Reduce Reach action.
- Journeyman: may attempt the Disarm (attack) action.
- Master: may use the Hold at Bay action; may use the Spring Attack action.
- Grandmaster: The character may give up his defensive action and any chance of parrying this round to gain a second attack action instead. He must declare this at the beginning of the round.
Blades, Medium: Parry class: Defense restrictions:none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may use a Line Parry. May use the Reduce Reach action.
- Journeyman: may use the Disarm (defense) action.
- Master: if prepared to Parry but attacker misses passive defense, may substitute an attack, provided the attack action has not yet been used this round. The Parry may be redeclared for a later phase.
- Grandmaster: on any phase that the character has declared an attack action, he may wait on the results of his opponent's attack roll and substitute a parry if his passive defense is penetrated. This is true even if he has already parried. This still uses the attack action.
Weapon Parry Mod +1.
Blades, Small class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
note: this includes knives, daggers, short swords, etc.
- Novice: may attack with these weapons. May use the Reduce Reach action if the weapon has Reach.
- Apprentice: may throw these weapons, assuming they are balanced for such; if they are not expect penalties.
- Journeyman: may use the Close Quarters Combat action.
- Master: May use the Critical Strike action.
- Grandmaster: no longer need spend actions to draw these weapons. May throw 2 balanced weapons as one attack action, with a -2 penalty to each.
Blades, Small: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
note: this includes knives, daggers, short swords, etc.
- Novice: may parry with these weapons. May Reduce Reach if applicable.
- Apprentice: Weapon Parry Mod +1.
- Journeyman: may use a Bind Weapon (defense) action.
- Master: Weapon Parry Mod +1. May attempt two parries as one defensive action, against 1 or 2 attacks.
- Grandmaster: no longer need spend actions to draw these weapons. May attempt a Parry as part of an attack action.
Blades, Two-Handed class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: May attack with these weapons. After each attack or parry, a Reset action must be made prior to making any other action with this weapon.
- Apprentice: May use the Hold at Bay action. May use the Reduce Reach action.
- Journeyman: May make a Combat Move during the Reset action. May use the Sweep Attack action.
- Master: May use the Great Strike action.
- Grandmaster: You do not need to Reset to use the sword again.
Blades, Two-Handed: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Brawling class: Athletic restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is the skill of wild fighting, either unarmed or with whatever is at hand. It is, in other words, bar-room brawling.
- Novice: may use this skill to attack. Use this skill with improvised weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Club, One-Handed class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: includes most blunt or spiked weapons, such as clubs, hammers, maces.
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may make a Dazing Attack.
- Journeyman: may make a Disarm (attack) action.
- Master: may make a Stunning Attack.
- Grandmaster: may choose to have a Dazing Attack do full damage to either Hits or Stamina.
Club, One-Handed: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: includes most blunt or spiked weapons, such as clubs, hammers, maces.
- Novice:
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Club, Two-Handed class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
note: includes large blunt or spiked weapons, such as mauls, great hammers, and morningstars.
- Novice: may attack with these weapons. After each attack or parry, a Reset action must be made prior to making any other action with this weapon.
- Apprentice: May use the Dazing Attack action. May use the Sweep Attack action.
- Journeyman: May use the Stunning Attack action. May make a Combat Move during the Reset action.
- Master: May use the Crushing Blow action. All Knockdown chances receive a +2.
- Grandmaster: The weapon does not need to be reset after attacking/ parrying.
Club, Two-Handed: Parry class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Strength
note: includes large blunt or spiked weapons, such as mauls, great hammers, and morningstars.
- Novice:
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Combat Reflexes class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: a challenging combat attribute: Perception/ Agility
- Novice: character may use the Soak action.
- Apprentice: may use the Refocus Action.
- Journeyman: may use the Defensive Focus Action.
- Master: may use the Offensive Focus Action.
- Grandmaster:
Evade class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 1 rank: Agility (rank +1) or higher attribute: Agility
- Novice: Able to perform Dodges as active defense.
- Apprentice: May attempt to Dodge thrown missles.
- Journeyman: If a Dodge was declared, but the attacker missed the passive defense, this defensive action may be saved for later in the round and a move or attack action substituted, assuming the character has not already used those. Note that the later defensive action must also be a Dodge.
- Master: May attempt to Dodge fired missles.
- Grandmaster: Running evasion. May attempt a Dodge as part of any move action. Standard penalties to defense based on the Move action apply, as well as an additional -2.
Fisticuffs class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is boxing, pugilism, the "sweet science" - Rhean version.
- Novice:
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Javelin class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
note: this is for shorter, lighter, spear-like weapons.
- Novice: May attack with these weapons; may throw these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Javelin: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Dexterity
note: this is for shorter, lighter, spear-like weapons.
- Novice: May parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Lancing class: Melee restrictions: Riding cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is using a lance while mounted. Using a lance otherwise involves the Spear skill. Use whichever level is lower, Lancing or Riding.
- Novice:
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Shield class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: none attribute: Agility
- Novice: can use shields; can use Shield Work action.
- Apprentice: Shield Work bonus against 2 attacks per phase. May use the Shield Bash action.
- Journeyman: +1 to shield's DV. May make a Shield Rush.
- Master:Shield Work bonus against 4 attacks per phase.
- Grandmaster: +2 to shield's DV. Off-hand penalty for attacking reduced to -2.
Spear class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is for fairly long weapons that are mostly intended for melee. Use Javelin skill for lighter weapons.
- Novice: may attack with spears and similar weapons.
- Apprentice: may use the Hold at Bay action.
- Journeyman: may use the Extend action; may throw these weapons.
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Spear: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
note: this is for fairly long weapons that are mostly intended for melee. Use Javelin skill for lighter weapons.
- Novice: may parry with spears and similar weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Staff class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
- Novice: may attack with these weapons.
- Apprentice: may use the Sweep Attack action.
- Journeyman: may use the Riposte action.
- Master: may use the Disarm (attack) action. The character may switch his hands as a move action in phase two, allowing him to repeat the action type he made on phase one.
- Grandmaster: the character may make a Spin Attack action (not more than once per round). The character may make a second attack during one attack phase each round; both attacks on that phase take a -2 to hit.
Staff: Parry class: Defense restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
- Novice: may parry with these weapons.
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster:
Wrestling class: Melee restrictions: none cost: 2 rank: class attribute: Agility
- Novice:
- Apprentice:
- Journeyman:
- Master:
- Grandmaster: